Ageing is associated with increasing numbers of medical problems that usually require drug therapy. This common scenario is associated with polypharmacy, i.e. the use of multiple medicines, which in turn is strongly linked to increased risk of adverse side-effects.
JG Farrell’s book has been chosen as a must read by the Sunday Times (UK & Irish editions). JG Farrell in His Own Words Selected Letters and Diaries edited by Lavinia Greacen and published by Cork University Press in October 2009 was chosen as one of four “must read” books by The Sunday Times on January 3rd 2010.
In French avant-garde literally means “advance guard,” a military term used for troops leading an attack across the battlefield. In film and art in general it is used to describe a work that breaks new ground in order to define a new way of seeing the world and thus of living in it.
Postgraduate Certificates in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education were recently presented to 42 members of staff. The certificate constitutes the first year of a three year programme, offered in UCC on a modular, credit accumulation basis.
Gold, Silver and Green: The Irish Olympic Journey, 1896-1924 is published today (January 12th 2010) by Cork University Press (CUP). The standard of athletics sports in Ireland in the latter half of the nineteenth century was phenomenal.
UCC Medical School is pleased to invite any interested person to attend an Open Information Evening about the UCC Graduate Entry Medical Course, to be held on Tuesday January 26th 2010 from 6-8 pm in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex.
UCC’s School of Medicine is organising a Symposium on Assessment titled "Assessment: The Big Questions and Some Answers" on Friday, January 22nd 2010. The venue is G06 Brookfield Health Sciences Complex.
An exhibition of photography by John Gamble, Professor of Geology will be opened at the Jennings Gallery, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC on January 20th, 2010 by Dr Clare O’Leary, Ireland’s first woman to reach the South Pole and climb Mt Everest.
Liam McCarthy and John D O’Callaghan winners of the 2009 BT Young Scientist award and First Prizewinners of the 21st EU Contest for Young Scientists (September 2009) unveiled their prototype device in UCC today (January 13th 2010).
Unlikely Radicals: Irish Post-Primary Teachers and the ASTI, 1909-2009 is published today (January 14th 2010) by Cork University Press.
The natural greenhouse effect due to heat absorbing gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is essential for maintaining a comfortable temperature for life on Earth. The addition of excess greenhouse gases by human emissions upsets the natural balance and leads to global warming, with a consequent melting of sea ice and glaciers.
Mr John Moloney, Minister for Equality, Disability and Mental Health today (Friday, January 15th 2010) launched UCC’s Student Mental Health Policy at the university.
Representatives from University College Cork (UCC) and Ireland’s six other universities are this week travelling to New York and Washington, in a joint initiative coordinated by Enterprise Ireland. The aim of the initiative is to boost collaboration between Irish and US institutes of higher learning. The UCC delegation is led by Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC and Louise Tobin, Director of International Student Recruitment & Strategy, UCC.
The theme of Ireland and European integration will be the focus of a conference taking place at UCC on Friday, 22nd and Saturday, 23rd January 2010.
President Mary McAleese will officially reopen the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, UCC to the public on Friday, January 22nd with the exhibition Thingamajig and mark the official celebration of the gallery’s 5th birthday.
The School of Music (formerly the Department of Music), University College Cork is delighted to present FUAIM, a season of concerts, lectures and music projects which brings together scholars, students, artists and audiences to reflect and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of Music at UCC.
Luxcel Biosciences, a University College Cork spin-out company has today (Thursday, January 21st 2010) announced a major strategic partnership with MOCON Inc. a global leader in gas sensing technologies and package testing/shelf life instrumentation for the food, beverage, pharmaceutical and other industries.
As a biological fluid, milk is extremely complex and the chemistry and biochemistry of milk and dairy products is an active area of research with very practical applications.
A new website ‘Lose the Blues’ has been launched at University College Cork (UCC) aimed at students experiencing depressive symptoms.
A ground-breaking new study of Irish Renaissance Latin was
launched by members of the Centre for Neo-Latin Studies, UCC in the Aula Maxima on Thursday last, January 21st 2010.
The Busteed award winners were announced recently at UCC. Prizes were awarded to students who achieved the highest overall Economics mark in Arts
1, 11 and 111 and Commerce 1, 11, 111 and IV.
Are you considering doing a PhD but are not sure where to start? Then you can find the answers at UCC’s Postgraduate Study Information Week running from February 1st- 5th 2010.
Who do you think you are? If a family member worked at Murphy's brewery UCC Library may have the answer!! In 1999 Heineken Ireland recognising the historical value of the records of Murphy's Brewery transferred their archive to UCC Library where it is now permanently preserved within the Library's purpose built Special Collections department.
Professor Connell Fanning, Department of Economics, UCC was awarded the first Honorary Professorship at Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET) in recognition of excellence in Executive Education.
The Faculty of Law held its annual prize-giving ceremony recently for participants of the second-level Law Essay Competition 2009/2010.
UCC's College of Medicine and Health and the Bon Secours Hospital, Tralee signed an Agreement on Wednesday, January 27th 2010.
The current societal paradigm of economic growth through ever increasing consumption of material and energy resources is clearly unsustainable. We are fast approaching the apex of this splurge; a ‘perfect storm’ of climate change, water, food and energy shortages has been predicted by 2030.
Interested in studying overseas? The UCC Careers Service will host the Postgraduate Study Options Worldwide Exhibition on Thursday next, February 4th in the Multifunctional Hall, UCC.
UCC has marked a significant achievement in doctoral education as, for the first time in its history, there are over 1,000 doctoral students now registered in the University. This number has more than doubled since 2003, and students from all over the world are now studying for doctoral degrees in almost every discipline within UCC.
New information has come to light from an eyewitness account of the last few moments of J.G. Farrell life before he tragically drowned. This note below will be published in a softback edition of the book in the autumn published by Cork University Press (CUP).
The Irish approach to promoting interaction between universities and industry in the field of microchip design was recognized as the best in the world today (February 8th 2010).
University College Cork (UCC) is one of 16 universities worldwide to be chosen to participate in an international project to carry out scientific analysis of the DNA sequences of bacteria.
As the current financial crisis demonstrates, many people are bad at thinking about risk. Expert gamblers, however, seem to be an exception. They are less prone to the cognitive biases that affect most of us and as a result, they can think about risk more clearly.
UCC's Confucius Institute (CI) was represented by a delegation at the 4th World Confucius Institute Conference in Beijing on December 11th 2009.
The Department of Hispanic Studies at UCC recently celebrated
its inauguration as a Centro Asociado/Associate Centre of the Instituto
Cervantes/Cervantes Institute.
The UCC Students' Union Raise & Give Week takes place from Monday, 8th to Friday, 12th February 2010. Following consultation with the Students' Union the new format for the week replaces the traditional RAG Week.
UCC Sports Stars were honoured on Monday, February 8th 2010 when almost 100 Sports Scholarships were presented to students at the university. This year, 18 sports are being recognised including Modern Pentathlon for the first time with Men’s Hockey making a welcome return.
A renewable energy student has won an award for her Master’s thesis on new green sources of energy. EirGrid, in partnership with UCC, awards the prize each year to the ‘best-taught’ student in UCC’s Sustainable Energy Master’s programme.
The Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Environment, Heritage and Local Government held a public meeting in UCC recently to discuss local government reform.
The Minister for Trade and Commerce Mr Billy Kelleher TD announced in New York last night that the Cork Cancer Research Centre at UCC is exploring a collaboration with Weill Cornell Medical College – one of the United States’ leading medical colleges.
In a new departure for Adult Education, the Centre for Adult Continuing Education, UCC has recently initiated new programmes in the morning time in co-operation with Cork City Library Service and the Crawford Art Gallery.
Technological interventions in the dying process complicate notions of a ‘natural death’ and give rise to persistent ethical questions regarding the choices made possible by such interventions.
Students from Coláiste Chríost Rí, Cork were the overall winners of the National Elec Engineering Quiz that took place simultaneously in UCC and Waterford IT on January 30th last.
A special volume in honour of UCC’s Professor John Gamble (Geology) has been issued by the prestigious Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research - An International Journal on the Geophysical, Geochemical, Petrological, Economic and Environmental Aspects of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 190, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-248 (1 February 2010).
The Mardyke Arena, UCC re-opened its doors today (Monday, February 15th 2010) following closure due to flood damage sustained in November 2009.
The Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) Study has just recruited its 1000th woman. The study was launched at Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) in March 2008 and is funded by the Health Research Board.
2010 is the Year of the Tiger according to Chinese tradition and to usher in the New Year, “Peacock and Swan” the Chinese New Year celebration in Cork will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, February 17th at 6pm in the City Hall, Cork.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy recently presented UCC student, Richard O’Connor with the National University of Ireland (NUI) Equal Educational Opportunities Scholarship.
UCC’s Computer Science Department recently hosted a Work Experience Programme for Transition Year students.
A new book, Superbrain, The First Twenty-Five Years, written by three-times winner, Diarmuid Early and Professor Des MacHale, School of Mathematical Sciences was launched at UCC last evening (February 17th 2010). The book contains 250 Superbrain problems and solutions.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy hosted a reception for the winner of the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2010, Richard O’Shea on February 18th 2010.
University College Cork (UCC) today (February 19th 2010) became the first 3rd level educational institution in the world to be accredited with the prestigious international ‘Green Flag’ award.
A team of scientists at the Tyndall National Institute, UCC have designed and fabricated the world’s first junctionless transistor that could revolutionise microchip manufacturing in the semiconductor industry.
The International Cultures Festival opened today (February 22nd 2010) at UCC.
Although the Internet originated in the 1960s, it is only now, with popular applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and YouTube, that we are experiencing a mass social impact.
A major infrastructural investment in Science and Technology was unveiled today (Monday, February 22nd 2010) with the opening of the newly-refurbished Science laboratories at UCC by the Minister for Education and Science, Mr Batt O’Keeffe.
UCC’s top graduate is Owen Dinneen. The Graduate of the Year was announced at the 2009 Prizegiving Ceremony at UCC this evening (February 22nd 2010) at which 40 undergraduate and postgraduate prizes were presented to 48 prizewinners by Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC.
Breastfeeding rates in Ireland are among the lowest in Europe but the public health nursing services do have a positive, professional and organisational attitude towards breastfeeding. This is one of the findings published in a recent national study which examined services provided by Public Health Nurses (PHN) to breastfeeding mothers.
‘Denny Lane (1818-1895): Renaissance Man’ – An Exhibition celebrating the life of Denny Lane, and the recent return to Cork of his personal archive opened at UCC’s Boole Library on February 22nd 2010. It continues until March 27th 2010.
Professor Gavin Burnell, Chair of the International Education Committee, recently presented prizes to the winners of the Study Abroad Photographic Competition organised by UCC’s International Education Office and supported by the International Education Committee.
UCC Management and Marketing students, Margot Jonker and Katherina Kaltenborn, featured this year on the first and second placed teams of the Virtual International Case Competition.
Mental Health Law will be the focus of a conference taking place at UCC tomorrow (Friday, February 26th 2010). The event is hosted by The Faculty of Law, UCC and the Mental Health Lawyers Association.
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin will launch a new masters in diplomacy at University College Cork on Monday next, March 1st 2010. Minister Martin will formally launch the MBS in International Public Policy and Diplomacy, giving a public lecture on contemporary global challenges.
Abtran, Ireland’s largest provider of business process services and the Cork Constraint Computation Centre (4C) at UCC are forming a research partnership to develop next-generation systems for use in business process outsourcing.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the world’s largest scientific experiment and will re-create energy conditions last seen fractions of an instant after the Big Bang.
Pfizer have announced the launch of a two-year bursary which will facilitate an MSc in Biotechnology Programme at UCC.
Mr Micheál Martin, Minister for Foreign Affairs today (February 26th 2010) announced the joint collaboration between the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and Tyndall National Institute, UCC.
Over 80 delegates from within the pharmaceutical industry in Ireland gathered at UCC on February 26th 2010 to hear eminent keynote speakers discuss the role of the ‘Qualified Person’ (QP) in the pharmaceutical sector.
How can economic decision-making be applied in the health care sector? University College Cork is inviting applications for The Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economic Practice which is designed to give students a knowledge and understanding of how economic decision-making can be applied in the health area.
A group of five American College Admissions Counsellors from prominent Chicago high schools kicked off a one-week whistle-stop tour of Irish universities commencing with University College Cork (UCC).
Cork University Press (CUP) under the Attic Press imprint has republished A Woman to Blame: the Kerry Babies Case with a new foreword by Nell McCafferty.
The county of Cork has a rich archaeological heritage extending back ten millennia to the end of the last Ice Age. UCC’s Department of Archaeology has recently completed a detailed survey of these ancient sites and monuments, based on research and fieldwork carried out over the past 26 years.
The acclaimed Professor Caroline Kennedy-Pipe will deliver a lecture ‘The Shapes and Shadows of Wars’ at UCC on Monday, March 8th 2010 at 5pm in Boole 1. Professor Kennedy-Pipe will assess the impact that war has in the contemporary age and asks what types of shadows war casts on our liberal societies.
Come to Cork Science Café today (March 5th 2010) from 7pm exploring the theme of Space Travel and Robotics. Cork Science Cafe is a place where anyone can come to
explore the latest ideas in science and technology and their impact on
our culture.
The Entrepreneurial and Social Society in conjunction with the Cork County & City Enterprise Board will host UCC’s first annual Innov8@UCC week from March 8th-12th.
In an age when science has furnished us both with remarkable new insights into life and with tools to enhance the quality of life, religious belief is an anachronism to many. Few have argued the case against religion more passionately or polemically than Richard Dawkins, whose work The God Delusion lays the blame for much of the evil that is in the world squarely at the feet of religious belief.
Access to Libraries and Archives will become more accessible with the launch of the Pathways to Learning (PAL) announced today (March 8th 2010) at University College Cork (UCC) by the Minister for Education & Science, Mr Batt O’Keeffe, TD.
UCC Physics students have retained the Institute of Physics (IOP) in Ireland Intervarsity Quiz title for the second year running. This year, five student teams of physics from UCC, NUI Galway, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and Cork Institute of Technology participated in the Intervarsity Quiz held at the Tyndall National Institute, UCC.
Students at Christian Brothers College, Cork beat off stiff competition to emerge victorious at the Maths All-Ireland Final held at UCC on March 6th 2010. It is the third year in a row that a Munster team has won the final (the winning teams in 2008 and 2009 were from St Joseph's CBS, Nenagh and Midleton CBS respectively).
A total of 250 students representing eight Cork girls’ secondary schools packed the G01 lecture theatre in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex to celebrate this international event on Monday, March 8th 2010.
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UCC will hold its annual Electrical Engineering Open Day on Friday, March 12th 2010 between 10am and 4pm in the Electrical Engineering Building, UCC.
Tyndall National Institute, UCC will host two of the five initial industry-led Competence Centres launched today (Wednesday, March 10th 2010) by Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment Mary Coughlan TD.
Awards were presented recently for the inaugural Annual Debate among Second Year undergraduate dental students at the University Dental School & Hospital. Various controversial topics were addressed with great skill by the several teams involved and all members of the class participated.
Industry and academia have joined forces this week (March 8th-12th 2010) to showcase careers in the high-tech sector to talented transition year students with aspirations towards careers in science and engineering.
University College Cork (UCC) is in the final stages of negotiating an official agreement with Temple University Japan (TUJ). TUJ is the international campus of Temple University, Philadelphia and is located in central Tokyo.
UCC spin-out company, Glantreo has signed a $10 million deal with a major US company, a global player in the chromatography and separations area. Glantreo is a high tech materials company that was created to commercialise the materials/science chemical separations research that is been carried out in Irish universities.
A new spread that combines honey and cream cheese created by UCC students was the winner of the UCC New Food Product Development Showcase. This Showcase is an annual exhibition of new food products developed by students from the BSc Food Science and BSc Food Business degree programmes at UCC as part of their final-year research projects.
Ten American College Admissions Counsellors from prestigious high schools throughout New England began their one-week tour of Irish universities at UCC. This latest campus visit at UCC from March 14th to 16th is the second in two weeks by staff of US high schools interested in encouraging their students to study at Irish universities.
A team of scientists led by Dr Max Dow from the Signalling and Pathogensis group at the BIOMERIT Research Centre, Department of Microbiology, Biosciences Institute, UCC have had their recent findings accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Conducting scientific research is one thing - explaining it to a lay audience is another. On Wednesday evening (March 24th 2010) topics such as Harnessing Wave Power, Cracking the Cheese Problem, the Internet, the Battle for Iron Inside the Body, Transport in the Quantum World and Improving Electronic devices are among the subjects to be presented at the Final of the sixth annual UCC Science for All Postgraduate Student Public Presentation Competition.
The recent financial crisis and meltdown of the Irish economy has sharpened focus on the shape and operation of our political system. A long line of politicians, commentators and academics have now emerged, notably George Lee, Dan O’Brien (The Economist), Noel Whelan, Dr Garret FitzGerald and Professor Gary Murphy.
This week sees the launch of The Viking Age: Ireland and the West, edited by John Sheehan (Department of Archaeology) and Donnchadh Ó Corráin (Emeritus Professor Medieval History). Arising from the XVth International Viking Congress, which took place in UCC, this publication may be regarded as a quinquennial review of Viking Studies by its leading proponents.
JG Farrell in His Own Words Selected Letters and Diaries will be launched by Bobby Mc Donagh, Ambassador of Ireland, this evening (March 24th 2010) at the Irish Embassy in London.
The UCC PLUS+ Programme (formerly Access Programme) seeks to promote access and widen participation in further and higher education. UCC PLUS+ works with second level schools to increase the number of students from under-represented socio-economic groups progressing on to higher education.
Máiréad Enright, PhD Candidate in Law and the EJ Phelan Fellow in International Law, 2008-2010, was recently selected to speak on the ‘New Voices Panel’ at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, to be held in Washington D.C. March 24-27 2010.
As part of Cork’s Lifelong Learning Festival which runs this week, parents of children attending the 10 primary schools participating in Pathways to Education are visiting campus to hear about educational opportunities.
Congratulations to Heather McLaughlin, this year’s winner of the UCC Science for All Postgraduate Student Public Presentation Competition, in which young scientists have to explain themselves “without the jargon” to a live audience.
The Irish Journal of Sociology (IJS) - the peer-reviewed journal of the Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) - is currently edited in Sociology at UCC. A publishing contract for the IJS was secured with Manchester University Press in 2009.
Gluaiseacht, Alan Titley’s new novel has been shortlisted for the Bisto Book of the Year 2010. It is the story of a young boy who is left alone in the world after the destruction of his family and recounts his journey to a better future in Europe.
Thirty teams representing schools from County Cork participated in the Annual Applied Maths Quiz staged in UCC earlier this week. Questions were based on the complete Leaving Certificate Applied Maths syllabus and the teams, each comprising at least one 5th Year student, fared remarkably well.
The National University of Ireland (NUI) today (March 26th 2010) conferred its highest degree in Engineering on Peter Kennedy, Professor of Microelectronic Engineering and Vice-President for Research at University College Cork. This is first time that the Doctor of Engineering degree has been awarded by the NUI.
UCC’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) has announced strong growth in commercialisation activity for 2009. The findings are published in a Report released today (March 29th 2010) by the OTT, the office responsible for commercialising UCC’s research based Intellectual Property.
Clonakilty Community College, Co. Cork emerged victorious in the Munster Regional Final of Debating Science Issues held recently at The Lifetime Lab, Lee Road, Cork battling it out with Christ King, Douglas for their place in the National Finals.
The importance of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector and the €75 billion exports generated by this industry has been highlighted in a recently-published Report.
Is there a relationship between intelligence and reasoning ability in children? Will an impulsive person perform better in tests of speed and intelligence?
UCC staff have given €500,000 to a hospital in the Singida region of Tanzania over a 24 year period to combat malaria, which is still the second biggest killer in the country.
UCC’s College of Medicine and Health UCC recently held its first Rosscarbery FP7 Conference recently in West Cork "Public Health Nutrition and Related Research - Preparing a Proposal for EU FP7 Funding".
Speakers from as far afield as Australia, the USA and Canada gathered with European counterparts from Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK at UCC earlier this week. The conference was titled ‘Croch Saithir: Envisioning Christ on the Cross in the Early Medieval West’.
Ms Fengjun Shang, a UCC PhD student in Analytical Chemistry under the supervision of Professor Jeremy D. Glennon, Department of Chemistry has received the highly-prestigious Chinese Government Award.
A Tyndall PhD candidate won the best commercial pitch of PhD research, as part of the PG6006 Commercialisation Skills for Research module.
Following the November 2009 flooding, repairs/renovations to the sports facilities at the Mardyke have been ongoing. The Office of
Sport & Recreation is pleased to announce the re-opening of the Athletic
Track on Tuesday, April 6th 2010 and Synthetic Pitch on Monday,
April 12th 2010.
Opportunities to support biodiversity as well as sustaining Ireland’s forest industry were outlined at a recent Research Workshop held at the Environmental Research Institute (ERI), UCC.
A bacteria commonly found in probiotic yoghurts has been shown to be a safe and effective way to deliver gene therapies to treat cancer, by a research team at the Cork Cancer Research Centre, UCC. The research, which has been funded by the Health Research Board, will be published in the Nature journal - Molecular Therapy today (April 13th 2010).
Steve Morris, Professor of Health Economics, University College London, recently visited the Department of Economics, UCC to launch the Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG) 2010 Conference. This is the first time that the HESG will host the conference scheduled for June 2010.
A research project which will enable cost-effective mobile internet access for remote communities has been announced between UCC and Altobridge Ltd.
"Grass as a source of renewable gaseous fuel” is the title of a conference being hosted by The Environmental Research Institute (ERI), UCC on Thursday, April 15th 2010. The event is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Andrea Merrigan, BSc Government 2009 has been awarded a $15, 000 scholarship and a place on the Asia Pacific Leadership Programme (APLP) based at the University of Hawaii.
UCC historian, Professor Geoffrey Roberts was among the guests at an international conference recently in Moscow to mark the 65th anniversary of the Victory over Fascism in 1945.
Congratulations to the UCC Staff Golf Society who had an outstanding victory in the 2010 Intervarsities Championship held at Woodbrook Golf Club, Co. Wicklow before Easter.
UCC is a partner in the CIT-led Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) funded project, Roadmap for Employment Academic Partnerships (REAP) along with seven other partner institutions around the country.
Crèche Cois Laoi has been presented with an All Ireland Centre of Excellence Award and becomes the first university Crèche to achieve this status.
UCC School of Music hosts a two-day conference, Bodies/Music, on April 19th and 20th 2010. The conference will examine the neglected relationship of music and the body. MacArthur Fellow, Susan McClary, the distinguished professor of music at UCLA and author of Feminine Endings, will give the keynote address.
UCC’s Centre for Adult Continuing Education (CACE) will hold an Open Information evening on Wednesday, April 21st 2010 from 5pm to 9pm in Devere Hall, Student Centre, UCC. The event will mark the launch of the Centre’s Continuing Education and Programme Guide for 2010/2011. The launch by Mr Brian Cody, Manager, Kilkenny Senior Hurling Team will take place at 7.30pm.
Congratulations to the UCC rugby team on regaining the Frazer McMullen All Ireland Under 21 trophy with a 16-10 win over Lansdowne at Clonmel RFC.
Scholars in medieval and renaissance literature from Europe and North America gathered in UCC recently to attend the twelfth biennial conference in the medieval literary genre of romance.
Truly Tasty: Over 100 special recipes created by Ireland’s top chefs for adults living with kidney disease is published today (Apil 20th 2010) by Cork University Press (CUP).
An exhibition to celebrate the centenary of Aloys Fleischmann, Professor of Music at UCC has opened in the Boole Library.
Over 5,500 Transition Year and Fifth Year students from Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Clare, Tipperary, Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford will attend the UCC Spring Open Day on Friday next, April 23rd 2010.
The Lewis Glucksman Gallery is pleased to present new work by Eoin
McHugh, a two-part project commissioned by the gallery in response to
the current exhibition Thingamajig: the secret life of objects.
Environmental rules and regulations continue to expand in terms of their scope of application and to increase in complexity. Practically no sector of the economy remains untouched by the requirements of environmental and land-use planning regulation, by the spectre of possible environmental liability, or by taxes, tariffs and other costs levied for the purposes of environmental protection.
Minister Éamonn Ryan, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources recently launched an innovative software solution to reduce wasted energy by PC equipment. The launch took place at the Energy Show (April 14th 2010, RDS, Dublin).
Scientists at University College Cork (UCC) and the University of Kent, UK have shown that simple bacteria can be manipulated and modified to produce biofuels and medicines and help reduce our over-reliance on oil derived products.
Like every other section of society, graduates have been hit hard by the economic downturn. The question is, can anything be done about it? University College Cork believes it can and is taking positive action to help graduates improve their prospects of employment.
The Compassionate Intentions of Illness by Tony Humphreys and Helen Ruddle will be launched by Meta Leahy tomorrow evening (Tuesday, April 27th 2010) in the Aula Maxima, UCC at 6.30pm. All welcome.
The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Batt O’Keeffe, and Minister Eamon Ryan (Communications, Energy and Natural Resources), announced in Cork today (April 26th 2010) that a new International Energy Research Centre (IERC) is to be established at UCC’s Tyndall National Institute where the major American multi-national, United Technologies Corporation (UTC), is also to locate a new research facility. Government funding for the IERC will be up to €20 million.
Aloys Fleischmann (1880-1964): Immigrant Musician in Ireland by Joseph P. Cunningham and Ruth Fleischmann and the 56th Festival of the Cork International Choral Festival will be jointly launched by Niall Toibín tomorrow evening (Wednesday, April 28th 2010) in the New Foyer of City Hall, Cork.
Mental Health in Ireland: Time to Change – the Case of Involuntary ECT is the title of an open talk hosted by the School of Applied Social Studies today Tuesday April 27th from 2-4 pm in Boole II Lecture Theatre.
When 42 third year UCC students left on a flight to Faro, Portugal for a six day field course on Tuesday, April 14th last, they could not have anticipated the epic return journey that lay ahead.
Ten high achievers in the world of sport were honoured last evening (Monday, April 26th 2010) at the 27th Annual UCC Sport Star Awards. The event was held in association with The River Lee Hotel (formerly Jury’s Hotel) and the Bank of Ireland, UCC.
Dr Ronny Swain (Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Psychology) has been conferred with the grade of Fellowship by The Institute of Guidance Counsellors. The award by the Institute, which is the principal body for guidance professionals in Ireland, is in recognition of significant contribution to the advancement of guidance and counselling.
A multidisciplinary team of clinicians, scientists and engineers at UCC has been using EEG (measurements of electrical brain activity) to investigate brain injury and seizures in newborn babies and their invention the EEG Seizure Detection technology has won joint first prize in the inaugural Invention of the Year Awards for UCC research.
UCC Researchers will share in €25million announced on April 28th 2010 by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Batt O’Keeffe TD at the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Principal Awards Ceremony.
Dr Mary Pierse, Editor has donated a 5-volume anthology, Irish Feminism 1810-1930, to UCC’s Boole Library.
Minister Éamon Ryan, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources visited UCC today (April 30th 2010). The aim of the Minister’s visit was to brief him on recent successes and current plans in the areas of Maritime and Energy R&D in the university.
UCC received two awards at the 12th National Irish Institute of Training and Development (IITD) Award Presentation Ceremony recently.
Ms Ciara Connolly, a UCC graduate and current member of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems was awarded a prize for her Master’s thesis “The performance of dedicated short bias hedge funds” in Paris recently.
The School of Applied Social Studies, UCC has marked its recent academic output by launching over 80 publications at a recent event.
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin recently launched Government and Politics Review - the online undergraduate journal of the Department of Government in UCC.
High achieving students from UCC's College of Business and Law were awarded scholarships at a recent College Assembly meeting.
The achievements of UCC’s History students, undergraduate and postgraduate, were celebrated recently at the School’s Annual Prize-giving Ceremony.
The Boole Centre for Research in Informatics (BCRI) is pleased to announce the establishment of a 10 Gigabit research link between UCC and HEANET.
An innovative programme developed by UCC and Pfizer was showcased at the recent Final of the Postgraduate Training Module on Creativity and Innovation for Research.
A bacterial pathogen can communicate with yeast to block the development of drug-resistant yeast infections, say UCC scientists writing in the May issue of Microbiology. The research could be a step towards new strategies to prevent hospital-acquired infections associated with medical implants.
Pathways to Education recently hosted a very successful two day conference titled "Access: Are we making the Right Connections?" in UCC and CIT.
The Poetry of Medbh McGuckian was published today (May 10th 2010) by Cork University Press.
Tyndall National Institute, UCC and Umicore have signed a licence deal after the joint development of a novel material for transparent electronics.
The International Summer School on Implementing Bologna in your Institution has generated significant interest both nationally and internationally with delegates registered from twenty-two countries already for this summer event.
His Excellency Dr Samuel Moncada, Ambassador of Venezuela to Ireland and the UK, visited the university today (May 12th 2010) as part of an itinerary organized for him by the Cork-based General Daniel Florence O’Leary Association.
UCC is hosting a Graduate Career Forum this week for graduates who have been affected by the downturn. The series of one-day seminars features business leaders and recruitment specialists from a variety of industry sectors who are sharing their experience and pointing graduates in the right direction.
University College Cork views with the utmost gravity the fact that confidential documentation concerning an internal allegation of sexual harassment, including the report of a formal investigation, conducted by experienced senior external investigators, was posted to various social media platforms, in contravention of University policy and well-established procedure.
An independent quality review of research at UCC has concluded that almost ten per cent (10%) of the university’s research is “world-leading” while forty per cent (40%) is “excellent” or better.
Amy Haigh is a 3rd Year PhD student in ZEPS, carrying out research on the European hedgehog (funded by the Crawford Hayes fund, under the supervision of Drs Ruth Ramsay and Fidelma Butler). An RTE programme follows Amy as she investigates the activities of hedgehogs near Bandon, Co. Cork.
The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Batt O’Keeffe TD has announced an investment of €8.5 million for 47 cutting-edge research projects which will create new jobs for the smart economy.
UCC Research Office is pleased to announce the launch of the new Institutional Research Information System (IRIS). The application will provide significant advantages in terms of usability and functionality over existing research information systems. The new system was unveiled by Minister Batt O’Keeffe on May 17th 2010 as part of the launch of the Research Quality Review Report.
UCC School of Music composer John Godfrey and improviser Han-earl Park have created two extraordinary machine musicians, iWife (I Will Improvise For Everyone) and io 0.0.1 beta++.
Thirty students from 11 secondary schools in Cork City and Cork County recently participated in the inaugural “Chinese Bridge” - Chinese Proficiency Competition. The competition for secondary school students in Ireland was hosted by the UCC Confucius Institute and the School of Asian Studies at UCC.
Over 150 academics, youth work practitioners and policy makers attended the international conference Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st century – Youth Work, Young People and Youth Policy at UCC earlier this month.
At a recent ceremony in the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Professor Patrick Fitzpatrick, Head of College of Science, Engineering and Food Science presented certificates to PAL (Peer Assisted Learning) Leaders.
Bhronn Banc na hÉireann Gradam na Gaeilge, ar bheirt scoláirí de chuid Choláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh ar an 11 Bealtaine. Is iad Julanne Ní Mhurchú agus Neil Ó Briain a bhain an Gradam amach i mbliana.
Dhein siad gaisce faoi bhrú! Students from Coláiste Daibhéid, an t-Ardán Theas i gCorcaigh, emerged winners at this year’s Sensors in Transition event in the Boole Theatre, UCC. Their research topic, A study of pressure/Scrudú ar ‘Brú’, involved the use of modern sensor technology to monitor pressure and it was delivered with a fluency in English interspersed with Gaeilge.
The positive ideals animating the Schuman Declaration (May 1950) remained vital for Europe according to the Minister of State for European Affairs, Dick Roche. Mr Roche was the keynote speaker at a symposium commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, which was co-organised and hosted by the School of History at UCC recently.
Mr Fergus Finlay, Chief Executive Officer of Barnardos, Ireland’s largest children’s charity will deliver a talk in UCC tomorrow, Wednesday, 26th 2010. The talk is titled “The Current Crisis and the Role of Education” and will take place in the New Council Room, North Wing, UCC at 10am.
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and PharmaChemical Ireland (PCI) will host a forum at UCC’s Cavanagh Pharmacy Building on Thursday, May 27th 2010 which will showcase SFI funded research to the Irish pharmaceutical industry.
Three leading figures in the world of law and arts will be honoured by the National University of Ireland during a ceremony to confer honorary doctorates at University College Cork on Friday, June 4th next.
UCC Careers Services and the Graduate School of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) held their third annual post-PhD careers forum on Wednesday, May 26th 2010.
Dr Sarfraz Ahmad of Cork Cancer Research Centre (CCRC) at UCC has been awarded the Prize for the Best paper Published on Fundamental Research, the first time that this award has been conferred on a researcher in Ireland.
The Royal Irish Academy (RIA) admitted three of UCC’s top academics as members today (Friday, May 28th 2010) in recognition of their academic achievement. This is the Academy’s 225th admission of new Members since it was founded in 1785.
A major step towards establishing a single food research programme in Ireland to support innovation and development in the food industry was taken today (May 28th 2010) with the launch of the UCC/Teagasc Strategic Alliance in Food Research.
A new initiative showcasing UCC’s doctoral research students will take place tomorrow (June 2nd 2010) in the university. UCC reached a significant milestone in 2010 when 1,000 doctoral students registered to pursue doctoral degrees in a range of disciplines in all four Colleges. This number has more than doubled since 2003 and now stands at 1,200.
What awaits us beyond the grave has long been considered the fundamental human mystery. The De Finibus Project, based in the Department of Early and Medieval Irish, UCC will host a public lecture by Professor Bernard McGinn titled ‘Medieval Visions of the End: The Irish Contribution’ on Tuesday, June 8th 2010 in the Aula Maxima, UCC at 7pm.
Stress, especially that occurring in early life and childhood, is a major predisposing factor to developing pain symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome according to a study by UCC scientists to be published in the prestigious academic journal Gastroenterology in June.
Three leading figures in the world of law and arts were honoured by the National University of Ireland during a ceremony to confer honorary doctorates at University College Cork today Friday, June 4th.
Now in its fifth year, this popular concert will take place in the magical setting of the Main Quadrangle, UCC, on Friday, June 11th with all monies raised in aid of two Cork-based charities, Brú Columbanus, Cork and Special Olympics (Munster).
UCC academics have won both major poetry categories at this year’s Listowel Writers’ Week competitions.
Dr Barry O'Sullivan, Cork Constraint Computation Centre (4C) will deliver an Invited Talk at AAAI-10, the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA next month.
D’fhoilsigh an comhlacht foilsitheoireachta Coiscéim leabhar tábhachtach sa tsochtheangeolaíocht le déanaí dar teideal “Pobal an Stáit agus an Ghaeilge 1920-1939”.
UCC and Almac (a contract research and manufacturing organisation based in Northern Ireland, specialising in integrated drug development and human health) are proud to announce the official launch of an academic/industrial collaboration in the field of solid state chemistry.
The Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (CCJHR) at UCC will host its fourth annual criminal law conference on Friday next, June 11th.
UCC U21s, under the captaincy of Ireland U19/Ire 20s development player Kevin O’Byrne, lifted the U21 Cup for the seventh successive year last month in Musgrave Park beating Waterpark 49-5.
A new Clinical Research Roadmap that will improve outcomes for patients, create jobs in health related industries in Ireland and enhance clinical research was launched recently by Mary Harney TD, Minister for Health and Children.
University College Cork (UCC) has established the Farmleigh Fellowship Programme with the support of the Nanyang Business School at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy launched the Irish Journal of Sociology (IJS) at the university on June 8th 2010.
From the Sources - A sound art environment and archive to commemorate the Fleischmann centenary will open at the Glucksman Gallery on Saturday, June 12th 2010.
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), is comprised of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis - two serious, chronic digestive diseases that affect five million people worldwide. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis directly affect the digestive system and cause intestinal tissue to become inflamed, form sores, and bleed easily.
Four scientists from the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) ( have been awarded the IDF Elie Metchnikoff Prize in Microbiology for 2010.
A perfectly preserved shoe, 1,000 years older than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt and 300 years older than Newgrange, Co Meath has been found in a cave in Armenia.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy presented this year's Seán Ó Ríordáin Scholarship to Aoife Ní Dhuinnín, a pupil of Gaelscoil Uí Ríordáin, Baile an Chollaigh.
Dr Dara Fitzpatrick has been nominated by Enterprise Ireland for the ‘One to Watch Award’ ceremony to be held in Dublin on June 23rd next. Mr Conor Lenihan, TD, Minister for Science, Technology, Innovation and Natural Resources will officiate at the event.
School of History, UCC will host the annual Society for the Study of Nineteenth
Century Ireland (SSNCI) conference on Thursday, 17th and Friday, 18th
June. Organised by Dr Larry Geary and Dr Oonagh Walsh, the conference theme is
‘Philanthropy in Nineteenth Century Ireland’.
Out of the Earth: Ecocritical Readings of Irish Texts edited by Christine Cusick is published today (June 16th 2010) by Cork University Press.
The College of Medicine and Health held its Annual Research Day in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex on Wednesday 16th June 2010. There were over 100 registrants and the topic was Molecules to Medicine.
The School of Asian Studies and the Confucius Institute at UCC bade farewell to BA and BComm second year students who are heading to China for a year’s study in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Over 300 graduates, mainly in Medicine & Health, were conferred during this year’s UCC’s annual summer conferring ceremonies which took place today (Thursday, June 17th 2010).
How to deliver health in an efficient and effective manner is ever more important in the current climate.
The 2nd Annual Research Conference of the SFI-funded Irish Drug Delivery Network (IDDN) Strategic Research Cluster was held at the
President Murphy's meeting with UCC Chinese Studies students who are currently studying at Shanghai University.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy was keynote speaker at the 60th Anniversary Celebrations of Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU) in Beijing last week. UCC is one of BTBU’s partner universities and Dr Murphy spoke on behalf of all the BTBU partners in his address.
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheal Martin, TD recently launched the newly established Gorta Hunger Secretariat in Dublin, accompanied by Mr. Salil Shetty, Director of the UN Millennium Campaign (New York) and Dr Kostas Stamoulis, Director of the Agricultural Development Economics Division of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (Rome).
The LLM (Practitioner), a collaboration between the Faculty of Law UCC and the Law Society of Ireland, was launched in UCC recently.
Gardening with Peter Dowdall: The Importance of the Natural World is published today (June 23rd 2010) by Cork University Press.
‘A Closer Look at Science’ is the title of a new series of articles to be published in the Evening Echo weekly for the next eight weeks. Beginning tomorrow (June 24th 2010), each article will be written by a UCC College of Science, Engineering & Food Science (SEFS) postgraduate student describing his/her PhD research in layman’s language.
Kevin Kehilly and Pat Spillane put County rivalries aside to launch the Kerry Way Cancer Research Walk 2010. Both multiple Senior Football All Stars will take to the Kerry Way to lead over 250 walkers out during the three day hill walk, July 23rd-25th.
Computer equipment no longer in use in UCC has been deployed in a new outreach programme with local national and secondary schools in County Cork.
Prejudice and cultural differences are generating significant barriers which prevent Travellers from progressing on to further education and employment, according to the TEACH report, the first comprehensive study of Traveller progression in Irish society which was launched today (June 23rd 2010).
Professor James F Drummond, Professor Emeritus of Oral Pathology at the University of Kentucky recently presented a Continuing Professional Education course at the Cork University Dental School & Hospital.
The second Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Clinician Scientist Fellowship Programme (CSFP) Annual Meeting takes place today Friday, June 25th at UCC.
Dr James Smith, English Department & Irish Studies Program, Boston College will deliver a seminar "Justice for Magdalenes: State Complicity and Constitutional Rights" at UCC on Monday next, June 28th 2010.
Scientists at University College Cork, Teagasc and the University of Alberta have identified a new antibiotic, thuricin CD, that is effective against the hospital-acquired superbug Clostridium difficile.
A team comprising four students from the BSc Accounting and BSc Finance programmes at UCC has won the Irish final of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Global Business Challenge.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy welcomed a senior government and university delegation from Brazil to the university on June 24th.
Dr Noel Woods, Centre for Policy Studies, paid a visit to Malaysia recently, where he headed a Ministry of Health Task Force on the financing of oral health care.
UCC Visitors' Centre reached a milestone on June 25th 2010 when the Children’s Junior Conferring Tour exceeded 10,000 visitors.
UCC welcomed over 130 delegates from 22 countries across all six continents for the 3rd International Symposium for Engineering Education (ISEE2010) which commenced on Wednesday, June 30th and continues until today, Friday July 2nd.
Dr Brian O’Flaherty, Business Information Systems, was awarded ‘the Academic Award for Outstanding Contribution to Entrepreneurship Education in Irish Third Level Institutions’ at the recent All-Island Student Enterprise Awards, held in Dublin City University.
The NAIRTL International Summer School at UCC concluded today (July 9th 2010).
UCC today (Monday, June 28th 2010) celebrates the centenary of the appointment as professor of Mary Ryan, the first female in either Ireland or Great Britain to be appointed to a professorship.
Underage footballers born in the early part of the year are more likely to be selected to play at an elite level according to UCC Researchers.
The Jennings Gallery at Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC, in association with the Disability Support Services, UCC is hosting Intersection from July 2nd-August 6th 2010.
Relationship, Relationship, Relationship: The Heart of a Mature Society is published today (July 6th 2010) by Cork University Press
Forty students from Munster secondary schools recently attended the UCC’s School of Pharmacy Open Day.
Jesse Omamogho, a postgraduate student, at UCC’s Chemistry Department, under the supervision of Professor Jeremy Glennon, and a researcher in the Irish Separation Science Cluster (ISSC), has won the Csaba Horváth Young Scientist Award.
UCC hosted the first meeting (July 7th 2010) of a high-level Advisory Board established to support its new MBS International Public Policy and Diplomacy.
Pregnant women in the UK, aged 14-17 years, are at higher risk of preterm birth and of having a child with low-birth-weight, especially if they are having their second child.
Almost 60 students are attending the 31st International Summer School in Irish Studies which commenced on July 5th at UCC and continues until the end of the month.
The popular International English Language Summer School, hosted by UCC’s Language Centre, welcomed its first students on June 21st.
The 11th International Greek and Latin Summer School, hosted by UCC’s Classics Department commenced on June 28th.
Initiated in 2005, the e-Law Summer Institute (eLSI) focuses on the emerging policy and law of the information age.
The Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has accredited the Higher Diploma in Safety, Health and Welfare at Work offered by the Centre for Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork.
UCC today (Friday, July 16th 2010) welcomed the announcement by An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen and Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Innovation, Mr Batt O’Keeffe of major Government investment in research and innovation.
Dr Ron Pinhasi, a lecturer at the Department of Archaeology, UCC has become the first UCC Researcher to be awarded funding by the European Research Council (ERC).
Up to 300 walkers, from counties around Ireland as well as overseas participated in a three day walk to make a positive impact on cancer – to raise €100,000 for cancer research programmes to continue at Cork Cancer Research Centre at UCC.
UCC’s Deputy President, Professor Patrick Fitzpatrick welcomed the Brazilian Ambassador, His Excellency Mr Pedro Fernando Brêtas Bastos to UCC on July 28th 2010.
Congratulations to UCC students and graduates who continue to succeed in their chosen sport.
Eleven American College Admissions Counsellors from private and public high schools in Massachusetts and New York concluded their one-week tour of Irish universities at UCC recently.
UCC Researchers have managed to successfully track five Lion’s Mane Jellyfish!
Reviewing women’s political representation in Ireland will be the focus of a conference taking place at UCC next month.
“A picture is worth a thousand words”. Anyone who has seen satellite imagery of the recent floods in Pakistan or the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will acknowledge the truth of this statement.
UCC is pleased to announce that a new MA in Criminology will start this September.
A report on ‘The Future of Renewable Gas in Ireland’ was launched by Bord Gáis on August 12th 2010.
The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a key species for conservation, since only 7,500-10,000 remain in the wild. Thus research in wildlife parks and zoos is focusing on how to improve the breeding success of captive populations.
UCC announced today that it has partnered with global company Google for the provision of cloud computing services to its students.
The Accommodation Office in UCC has launched a new online survey which will allow students to provide feedback on their accommodation experience.
The Lough Hyne Research Team within the
CAO points for Science programmes in UCC have increased this year reflecting the national trend.
Innovative Software will be showcased at the BIS Innovative Software Showcase event in the Aula Maxima, UCC
UCC’s Disability Support Service has been awarded €80,000 from the Genio Trust to develop a peer-led mentor programme for students with mental health difficulties.
The UCC Orientation Programme runs from Monday, September 6th to Friday, September 17th and offers first year students an ideal opportunity to make an easy transition to university life.
This year, the programme has been extended to welcome family and friends of first year students to campus from August 30th to September 3rd.
An Irish mythology exhibition titled Tir na nÓg is currently running in Shanghai at the Ireland Expo Pavilion. The exhibition, which has been commissioned by Cork City Council, ends today (August 31st).
Educationally disadvantaged students’ chances of going to college have been given a boost with the offer of over 1650 college places through the DARE and HEAR initiatives.
Professor Roger Whatmore, CEO of Tyndall National Institute, UCC today (August 31st 2010) welcomed the Forfás report on Ireland’s Nanotechnology Commercialisation Framework 2010-2014.
On September 8th, 2010, Nobel Laureate Dr James Watson will give the Inaugural Cancer Lecture of the Cork Cancer Research Centre at UCC. The lecture will also mark the
formal collaboration between the Leslie and Jean Quick Cancer Laboratories at
Cold Spring Harbor (Long Island, New York) and the Cork Cancer Research Centre.
A one-day international conference on Gender Equality, Religious Diversity and Multiculturalism, will be held at UCC on Friday, September 10th 2010, hosted by the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Social Sciences for the 21st century.
The Catherine McAuley School of Nursing & Midwifery is hosting its 10th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference on Friday, October 15th 2010.
A delegation of researchers from Taiwan today (September 1st 2010) visited the Hydraulics Marine Research Centre (HMRC) and Sustainable Energy Research Group (SERG) in UCC.
Mr Conor Lenihan TD, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation declared University College Cork (UCC) Ireland’s top Knowledge Provider university at an Enterprise Ireland event in Dublin on September 1st 2010.
will host the Inaugural Mayo-UCC Cardiology Symposium tomorrow, Saturday, September
4th 2010.
While we are often exposed to bacteria in our food which could cause food poisoning, we don’t always become ill - why should this be so?
Today (September 6th 2010), the UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy, welcomes this year's cohort of new students to UCC.
Over 500 students graduated today (September 6th 2010) on the first day of UCC’s week-long Autumn Conferring Ceremonies.
A high-powered delegation from University College (UCC) will begin an intensive round of meetings and discussion in Shanghai, today (Monday September 6th) involving senior government officials, Chinese university presidents, senior managers and representatives of the business community.
Dr Karen Keeshan has been listed in the Sunday Independent’s
annual “Forty under 40” list of Ireland's brightest and best.
Conferring ceremonies continued today (September 7th 2010) at University College Cork with over 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences.
The dramatic upward surge by UCC in the QS World University Rankings, announced today (September 8th 2010) has been welcomed by the University President, Dr Michael Murphy, who said it reflects the hard work of the entire UCC community, the excellence of teaching and learning and the international recognition achieved by UCC researchers.
Conferring ceremonies continued today (September 8th 2010) at University College Cork with over 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science.
On Wednesday, September 8th 2010, Nobel Laureate, Dr James Watson gave the Inaugural Cancer Lecture of the Cork Cancer Research Centre at UCC.
8th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling will take place in UCC
from September 14th to 16th 2010.
Nobel Laureate, Dr James Watson gave the Inaugural Cancer Lecture of the Cork Cancer Research Centre at UCC last evening (September 8th 2010).
ceremonies continued today (September 9th 2010) at University College Cork with
over 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the Colleges
of Science, Engineering & Food Science, Medicine & Health and Business
& Law.
A high-powered delegation from UCC on a visit to China this week brings together the most comprehensive visiting team ever assembled by an Irish university and reflects UCC’s steadily strengthening links with the education sector in China.
Conferring ceremonies concluded today (September 10th 2010) at University College Cork with almost 300 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Business & Law.
From the design of Renaissance fortifications to the phenomenon of urbicide,
the arts of warfare and architecture have had a long and fraught
The honey bee, Apis mellifera, is the most important pollinator of agricultural crops worldwide.
Colon Cancer – is screening the way forward” is the title of this year’s De
Pazzi Lecture which will be delivered at UCC on Tuesday, September 14th by
Professor Jonathan Rhodes, Professor of Medicine, University of Liverpool.
The Lewis Glucksman Gallery welcomed members of the senior community in Cork and their carers to a day of music and visual art organised in their honour on Friday last, September 10th 2010.
A major international conference on amateur cinema will take place in UCC on September 17th, 18th and 19th.
In conjunction with the inaugural Joe O’Donnell Memorial lecture and the Medical Alumni Scientific Conference, the Jennings Gallery will open ‘Patients and Peace’ - an exhibition of paintings by the late Mr Joe O’Donnell MChFRCSI, on September 16th at 5.30pm.
The School of History, UCC, in association with the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, is pleased to announce that a one-day conference to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the Solidarity movement in Poland is scheduled to take place in UCC on Saturday, September 18th 2010.
An international team of scientists and physicians led by UCC professor, Louise Kenny, has identified 14 new metabolites that can detect first-time pregnant women’s risk for preeclampsia, a life -threatening condition, that often does not present until the second half of pregnancy.
Professor Tom Cotter of UCC’s Department of Biochemistry has received a combined grant of €375,000 for leukaemia research from Cancer Research Ireland and The Children’s Leukaemia Research Project.
UCC staff, students, and alumni perform in an upcoming Irish premiere at the East Cork Early Music Festival.
Economic cycles in Ireland since
the 1700’s will be the theme of a conference taking place in UCC on September 17th/18th 2010.
Two UCC staff members, Dr Jean Van-Sinderen Law and Dr Geraldine Boylan are among the shortlisted finalists for The Women Mean Business Awards for 2010.
“If we were in this room, G5, Western Gateway Building on November 20th 2009 we would all be swimming in very cold flood water!” - an apt quotation from Cork Lord Mayor, Cllr Michael O’Connell, during his keynote address to launch the 8th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM).
UCC Canoe Club recently returned from a sojourn in the Alps. The group included men and
women ranging from fresh-faced first years with mere months of kayaking
experience, to those with over a decade of kayaking under their belt.
A conference devoted to the management of Diabetes in the community, took place in UCC on Wednesday last, September 15th 2010.
UCC's Boole Library was recently presented with two new biomedical books “Inflammatory Bowel Disease” and “Bifidobacteria- Genomics and Molecular Aspects” authored by staff of the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, based at UCC.
Some one hundred bioinformaticians, computer scientists and experimental biologists met in UCC recently for the VIBE (Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics (Éire)) Conference to present the results of their latest research in the area of "bioinformatics", a rapidly developing field that uses computer technologies to address a variety of problems in contemporary Biology.
UCC Gaelic Football Club takes great pride and pleasure in congratulating all our past and current members who brought the Sam Maguire Cup back to Cork for the seventh time yesterday.
UCC’s Tyndall National Institute and Intel Corporation, the world leader in silicon innovation, have signed a $1.5 million agreement that will lead to a joint programme of advanced research over the next three years.
Final year students at UCC are this week (September 20-22nd) participating in a three day Business Seminar at the university.
Is homeopathy scientific?
Would science be different if there were more women scientists?
Is global warming a big hoax?
Did science begin in the stone age?
Tom Cavanagh presented a painting by Mick O’Dea titled “Before a Day’s
Skirmishing in the Countryside” to the Cavanagh Pharmacy Building on Wednesday,
September 22nd 2010.
The Cork University Dental School and Hospital are hosting a free head and neck cancer screening service for the general public tomorrow (Wednesday, 29th September), 9.30am-4.30pm, including lunchtime.
Dr Jean Van Sinderen-Law, UCC Director of Development has won the WMB Businesswoman of the Year 2010. The fourth Women Mean Business
(WMB) Conference and Awards Ceremony, designed to recognise the outstanding
achievements of Ireland’s businesswomen, took place on Monday, September 27th
2010 at Dublin’s Shelbourne Hotel, St. Stephen’s Green.
The Indian Ambassador to Ireland recently presented a collection of books on Indian history, literature, politics and economy to UCC’s School of Asian Studies.
More than 20 doctoral students and early career researchers participated in a one day international workshop at UCC recently with Professor Lois McNay, Somerville College, Oxford.
UCC’s Department of Biochemistry recently announced the recipients of the annual Pfizer Scholarships in Biotechnology which will facilitate study and research in the MSc in Biotechnology Programme at UCC.
The treatment of Oesophageal Cancer, the most rapidly increasing cancer in the western world, will be discussed by world experts at a free public forum on Saturday October 2nd at 3pm.
More... – UCC Students’ Union website has welcomed its 50,000th visitor making it the most successful site in all the universities.
UCC student, Richard O’Shea, winner of the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2010, has been awarded the Adene Special Prize for his work in the field of energy at the European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Portugal.
The conference on Flexible Learning organised by the National Academy (NAIRTL) and the Learning Innovation Network (LIN) will take place on October 6th-7th next.
A visit to UCC this week by a university delegation from Guilin, China, has further developed UCC’s engagement with overseas partner institutions.
‘Problems, Mysteries, and Misconceptions in the Study of Language’ is the title of a public lecture to be delivered at UCC at 7pm on Thursday, October 7th in Kane G1.
Two UCC students have been honoured with European Prizes in Celtic Studies.
Students in UCC today (October 4th 2010) enjoyed a guest lecture by Representative James O’Day of the Massachusetts State Legislature, Boston.
The Argentinean Ambassador to Ireland, HE Maria Esther Bondanza, recently paid a courtesy visit to UCC. Ambassador Bondanza was welcomed to the university by Professor Grace Neville, Deputy President/Vice-President for Teaching and Learning.
Queer Notions: New Plays and performances from Ireland is published today (October 5th 2010) by Cork University Press.
Bhuaigh an Dr Stiofán Ó Cadhla, Ceann Roinn an Bhéaloidis, an chéad duais do Shaothar Próis i gComórtas Liteartha an Oireachtais 2010 leis an leabhar nua An tSlat Féithleoige: Eolas agus Ealaíon an Dúchais a fhoilseoidh Cló IarChonnachta amach anseo.
What are the ethical issues at end of life? How do we deal with them?
UCC has a long established record of supporting the teaching of mathematics.
UCC’s Department of German has been awarded the European Language Label 2010 Award for SCENARIO, a bilingual, peer-reviewed online journal for drama and theatre in foreign and second language education.
The eleventh class of George J. Mitchell Scholars was welcomed to Ireland at a reception at UCC on October 4th 2010.
At its 45th Fellows' Annual General Meeting in Wellington, the Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand elected Professor John Gamble of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences at UCC to Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
The October Open Day will be held at UCC on Saturday October 9th. A full timetable can be downloaded at
A consortium of researchers from across Europe (Spain, France, Italy and UK) gathered at Tyndall National Institute, UCC earlier this week.
Dr Konstantin Doulamis, a Lecturer in Classics, has been awarded the European award ‘Language Ambassador of the Year 2010’.
The Disability Support Service, UCC in association with AHEAD (Association for Higher Education Access & Disability) and DAWN (Disability Advisors Working Network) are hosting a one-day event for students with a disability or specific learning difficulty.
Cork City Council, in conjunction with UCC, have launched a unique Education Pack in honour of Aloys Fleischmann called “Meet the Professor”
UCC, together with 13 other Irish institutions of higher education, recently participated in the successful Education Mission to the US led by the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Ms Mary Coughlan TD.
UCC’s Disability Support Service launched a booklet titled “Road to Success” on Monday, October 11th 2010. The booklet is a compilation of Graduate Experiences from 1995-2010.
An Taoiseach, Mr Brian Cowen TD today (October 13th 2010) welcomed to Government Buildings the internationally acclaimed Chinese artist, Guan Mingang, who will deliver the Inaugural Lecture of Oriental Arts Lecture Series, initiated by Sheppard’s Irish Auction House and University College, Cork.
UCC alumna and poet, Leanne O'Sullivan, has been awarded the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature 2010.
The Great Book of Ireland, dubbed by former Irish President, Mary Robinson, the ‘Book of Kells for the Second Millennium’, will travel to Chicago this weekend to inspire a new audience in the Windy City. The
culmination of years of planning, the Great Book is a spectacular 136-page,
hand written vellum masterpiece housed in a specially crafted wooden box.
The winners of a global photography competition to benefit the recovery fund of the Lewis Glucksman Gallery were announced on October 15th 2010 by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy.
UCC’s Department of Government is pleased to host a visit by Fulbright Scholar, Dr Elizabeth Oldmixon to the university during the first term of the 2010/2011 academic year.
Research relating to the success, retention and completion of students with disabilities in Higher Education Institutes was launched recently at UCC.
UCC/CIT will play the Australian International Rules Team on Wednesday, October 20th in Páirc Uí Rinn at 6pm.
Roll Away the Reel World: James Joyce and Cinema is published today (October 19th 2010) by Cork University Press.
UCC will host the 2010 Alumni Achievement Awards on December 3rd 2010. An Alumnus Achievement Award is the highest honour the University can bestow upon a graduate.
If the forecasters are correct, this will be the century when Asia emerges as the dominant economic force in the world. How the West responds now, therefore, will be critical to each country’s success or failure in the decades ahead.
At an inaugural Awards Ceremony on October 19th 2010, UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy, presented awards to six staff of the University, recognising their outstanding achievement and contributions towards realising the vision and goals of UCC.
Dr Damian O’Connell, Chair of Molecular Medicine Ireland, has welcomed the appointment of Professor Jonathan Hourihane to the MMI Board of Directors and to the Executive Management Team.
More... - Ireland’s new Research Publications Portal was launched on October 20th 2010 by an Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills Mary Coughlan TD.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy and Cllr Michael O’Connell, Lord Mayor of Cork, hosted a farewell reception for the Cork School Principals’ Delegation recently at UCC.
At the annual Meeting of the Haematology Association of Ireland (HAI, October 15th-16th, 2010), PhD student Maura Hannon received an award for best scientific presentation.
Ms Fiona Buckley, lecturer in the Department of Government, UCC, has been awarded the 2010 Teaching and Learning award of the Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI).
Professor Dermot Keogh, School of History, delivered the O’Donnell Lecture on October 13th titled: “Bertram Windle and the Modernisation of UCC, 1905-1919)”.
Mr George Hook, a well-known television and radio presenter and a volunteer for the Haven Trust Foundation, accepted a cheque from postgraduate students from UCC’s School of Pharmacy who raised money through their annual cake sale for Haven Trust.
The Association of Research Contract Staff (ARCS) in UCC will host a talk by Dr Stephen Simpson, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) to its ARCS members and all interested UCC staff on Tuesday, November 30th 2010.
Postgraduates at UCC’s Geography Department recently celebrated the launch of the 25th edition of their journal, Chimera.
Junior Certificate students who achieved an A Grade in their Junior Certificate Business Studies examination 2010 were recently honoured at a ceremony in UCC.
UCC GAA, in collaboration with students from the Sports Studies programme, under the direction of Dr Julia Walsh, and with the assistance of the Physical Education Department and International Education Office, recently piloted a recreational Gaelic Games initiative aimed at UCC’s international students and staff.
The results of the first clinical trial of a new endoscopic device, developed by Cork Cancer Research Centre in UCC, will be revealed today, October 28, 2010 at a seminar in Dublin.
A recent presentation of the doctoral work of Saranna Fanning during a visit by Professor Aaron P. Mitchell, formerly of Columbia University, NY, USA and now at Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA, highlighted the collaborative doctoral research work between the research groups of Professor Douwe van Sinderen at UCC and that of Professor Aaron Mitchell.
The Irish Sports Council has published a major research study which provides a national database of physical activity, physical education and sport participation levels of children and youth in Ireland.
A multinational team of scientists has used genome sequencing (which gives the hereditary information of organisms) to reconstruct past plague pandemics from the time of the Black Death to the most recent pandemic in the late 1800s. Their research is published online today in Nature Genetics.
UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy recently welcomed students and graduates who were involved in Cork's All-Ireland Football success.
RTE’s Chief News Correspondent was the guest speaker at UCC’s Department of Government 12th Annual Philip Monahan Memorial Lecture.
University of Cambridge Professor Gerard Evan, external advisor to the PhD Scholars Programme in Cancer Biology, will visit UCC on November 3rd 2010.
“India and Ireland: historical affinities, contemporary realities and future potential’ is the title of a lecture to be delivered at UCC on Wednesday next, November 3rd by the Indian Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency, P.S. Raghavan.
Highly advanced research has led to the creation of a new Irish spin-out firm from UCC with the potential for 30 new jobs.
The UCC/Teagasc Food Forum and Open Day for the food industry took place in Moorepark, Fermoy on Friday, October 29th 2010.
UCC Sports Stars were honoured last evening (Monday, November 1st 2010) when in excess of 100 Sports Scholarships were presented to students at the university.
Bertram Windle: the Honan Bequest and the Modernisation of University College Cork, 1904-1919 by Ann Keogh and Dermot Keogh will be launched by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy and Professor Gerry Wrixon this evening (Wednesday, November 3rd 2010) in the Aula Maxima, UCC.
The changing face of development is the theme of a seminar organised by the Department of Food Business & Development taking place in UCC on Friday November 5th from 12-5pm.
“TB: A re-emerging problem?” will be the focus for discussion at a public forum at UCC on Tuesday, November 9th.
UCC will celebrate National Science Week, which takes place from November 7th to 14th, by hosting a series of events on campus throughout the week.
The first cohort of graduands from the joint UCC/CIT Degree in Architecture were conferred at a ceremony at CIT Cork School of Music on November 1st 2010.
FUAIM - Music at UCC Autumn Series presents an international musical exploration of technique, craft and tradition by an international trio on Thursday, November 25th 2010.
The Atlas of the Deep Water Seabed, Ireland, compiled in UCC by Dr Boris Dorschel and Dr Andy Wheeler, has been launched by Mr Conor Lenihan, Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources.
On November 1st 2010, at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, former President, Mary Robinson, officiated at a ceremony to honour this year’s winners of the national essay competition, the Undergraduate Awards of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Speakers from across Ireland, England, Scotland, the Netherlands and Australia will gather in UCC this week for the Dr Michael Corry Memorial Conference.
Churches in Early Medieval Ireland: Architecture, Ritual and Memory (Yale University Press) by Dr Tomás Ó Carragáin, lecturer in Archaeology at UCC, will be launched on November 10th.
The Handbook of Reflection and Reflective Inquiry: Mapping a Way of Knowing for Professional Reflective Inquiry (Springer 2010), edited by Nona Lyons, UCC Visiting Research Scholar, was launched at UCC on November 5th 2010.
Thirty four students of UCC’s College of Medicine & Health were presented with a College Scholarship at a recent prizegiving ceremony.
The Department of Food Business and Development, UCC recently hosted a Seminar which showcased the placement work in developing countries of third year BSc International Development and Food Policy students.
Mr Michael Cawley, Deputy Chief Executive, Ryanair will deliver a lecture at UCC titled “Life After UCC: Things I Learned Along the Way” on Friday, November 12th 2010 at 3pm in WW5.
The first set of results on Ireland’s future energy technology mix to meet long-term climate change targets will be presented at an international conference in UCC on November 15th 2010.
UCC Politics Student, Francis Lowe has been awarded a Junior Professional Fellowship at the United Nations University. Francis recently completed the MA in Politics course at UCC.
IGNITE, a new Centre designed to give graduates professional help with business start-ups, was launched at University College Cork (UCC) today (November 12th 2010) by Mr Billy Kelleher TD, Minister for Trade & Commerce.
There are currently some 2,800 overseas students at UCC. On Thursday next, November 18th, the University will host its first International Student Postgraduate Showcase in the Aula Maxima, 12.30-2.30pm.
The recently formed ISS21 Ageing Research Cluster welcomed Professor Éamon O’Shea from the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway to its first interdisciplinary workshop in UCC on November 12th 2010.
Her Excellency, Ms Mercedes Rico, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Spain, visited UCC on November 15th.
The winners of the 2010 UCC BioSciences Institute Researcher of the Year competition were announced on November 12th 2010.
Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas in Teaching & Learning were recently presented to 46 members of UCC staff along with one lecturer from CIT and one from LIT.
UCC’s Department of Hispanic Studies is hosting a Golden Age Research Symposium from Friday, 19th to Sunday, 20th November.
The Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Mr Conor Lenihan TD, has announced Professor Jean-Pierre Colinge of Tyndall National Institute, UCC, as winner of Science Foundation Ireland's 'Researcher of the Year 2010' accolade.
The Graduate School of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences is hosting the upcoming annual Postgraduate Conference which will be held on Saturday, November 20th 2010.
Professor Stephen Gordon from University College Dublin will present a Department of Microbiology seminar at 4pm in W9 on Thursday, November 18th titled ‘The Molecular Evolution of the Tuberculosis Vaccine Strain (BCG).’
Child Protection and children's constitutional rights will be the subject of an inter-disciplinary seminar organised jointly by colleagues in the Departments of Law, Applied Social Studies and the Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century Children (Young People Research Cluster) at UCC on Friday, November 19th at 12noon.
An important paper just published in The
Journal of Agricultural Sustainabilit
identifies the top 100 questions for the future of global agriculture. Written by a multidisciplinary team of 55 agricultural and food
experts from 23 countries, Dr Colin Sage of UCC's Department of Geography was the
sole contributor from Ireland and was charged with responsibility for one of the
13 themes in the paper.
On Monday, November 29th, the Swiss Ambassador, HE Beat Loeliger, will inaugurate a workshop production, running over three nights in UCC’s Aula Maxima, of Cork’s World Theatre, a translation/adaptation of a compelling contemporary play by the leading Swiss novelist and dramatist, Thomas Hürlimann.
Members of the Musgrave Family recently opened the newly developed resource room for UCC PLUS+ students at UCC.
On November 19th-20th, in the unique setting of the Castello Utveggio, perched on Monte Pellegrino overlooking the city of Palermo, an international conference headed by Dr Mark Chu, Head of Italian at UCC, will examine the relationship between ethics and power in the life and works of the Sicilian writer, Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989).
Congratulations to Dara Curran and Barry O'Sullivan of 4C, UCC who participated in two of the winners announced on November 18th 2010 at this year's it@cork Leaders Awards ceremony.
A new university-wide on-line Doctoral student research journal, The Boolean, was launched recently in UCC. The first volume of this annual publication, which contains 37 articles from doctoral students right across UCC, can be read on-line at
IGNITE, a new Centre designed to give graduates professional help with business start-ups, was launched at University College Cork (UCC) on November 12th 2010 by Mr Billy Kelleher TD, Minister for Trade & Commerce.
Three PhD Law students have secured prestigious study abroad fellowships to support their doctoral research. Fiona O’Regan and Alan Desmond, (both IRCHSS Government of Ireland scholars), will spend the Spring semester as visiting research fellows at Harvard Law School.
Tyndall National Institute, UCC has welcomed the announcement on November 22nd 2010 of the acquisition of Firecomms by Chinese Corporation ZJF.
“'Pakistan A Strategic Overview' is the title of a lecture to be delivered at UCC on Wednesday, November 24th 2010 by the Pakistani Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency, His Excellency Naghmana Hashmi.
The Graduate Entry to Medicine Open Day takes place on Saturday, November 27th 2010 from 10am to 1pm in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC.
An important paper just published in The
Journal of Agricultural Sustainabilit
identifies the top 100 questions for the future of global agriculture. Written by a multidisciplinary team of 55 agricultural and food
experts from 23 countries, Dr Colin Sage of UCC's Department of Geography was the
sole contributor from Ireland and was charged with responsibility for one of the
13 themes in the paper.
On Monday, November 29th, the Swiss Ambassador, HE Beat Loeliger, will inaugurate a workshop production, running over three nights in UCC’s Aula Maxima, of Cork’s World Theatre, a translation/adaptation of a compelling contemporary play by the leading Swiss novelist and dramatist, Thomas Hürlimann.
Members of the Musgrave Family recently opened the newly developed resource room for UCC PLUS+ students at UCC.
A new university-wide on-line Doctoral student research journal, The Boolean, was launched recently in UCC. The first volume of this annual publication, which contains 37 articles from doctoral students right across UCC, can be read on-line at
IGNITE, a new Centre designed to give graduates professional help with business start-ups, was launched at University College Cork (UCC) on November 12th 2010 by Mr Billy Kelleher TD, Minister for Trade & Commerce.
Congratulations to Dara Curran and Barry O'Sullivan of 4C, UCC who participated in two of the winners announced on November 18th 2010 at this year's it@cork Leaders Awards ceremony.
On November 19th-20th, in the unique setting of the Castello Utveggio, perched on Monte Pellegrino overlooking the city of Palermo, an international conference headed by Dr Mark Chu, Head of Italian at UCC, will examine the relationship between ethics and power in the life and works of the Sicilian writer, Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989).
Three PhD Law students have secured prestigious study abroad fellowships to support their doctoral research. Fiona O’Regan and Alan Desmond, (both IRCHSS Government of Ireland scholars), will spend the Spring semester as visiting research fellows at Harvard Law School.
“'Pakistan A Strategic Overview' is the title of a lecture to be delivered at UCC on Wednesday, November 24th 2010 by the Pakistani Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency, His Excellency Naghmana Hashmi.
Tyndall National Institute, UCC has welcomed the announcement on November 22nd 2010 of the acquisition of Firecomms by Chinese Corporation ZJF.
The Graduate Entry to Medicine Open Day takes place on Saturday, November 27th 2010 from 10am to 1pm in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC.
UCC’s Departments of Food Business & Development and Management & Marketing, recently hosted the Postgraduate Diploma/Masters in Supply Chain Management (Lean SCM Black Belt) Capstone Event.
The Environmental Research Institute Director, Professor Alan Dobson, is one of the Contributing Authors of the European Science Foundation’s (ESF) recent Position Paper on “Marine Biotechnology: A New Vision and Strategy for Europe”.
UCC Graduates and Students featured prominently in the National University of Ireland (NUI) Awards Ceremony 2010.
This year’s annual Boole Public Lecture will be delivered by Professor Des MacHale, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCC and author of George Boole, his life and work.
A new initiative by the School of Sociology & Philosophy, UCC in conjunction with committees of the Royal Irish Academy is pleased to announce ‘Communicating Climate Change’ a panel discussion intended to inform the general public.
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, the EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, visited the site in Galway docks earlier this week where the UCC Coordinated EU FP7 Research Project CORES is being assembled before extensive sea trials.
The challenges involved in enforcing European Union (EU) environmental law is the subject of a conference organised by Dr Áine Ryall, Faculty of Law today Friday, November 26th 2010.
Out of the dark ages in Europe which included the great Plague pandemics came the Renaissance. The question is in
the current economic dark age which has seriously affected nations globally,
none more so than Ireland, could there be another resurgence, a new
Professor Brendan
Dooley, Professor of Renaissance Studies at UCC, believes that only a
university can inspire the kind of multidisciplinary debate that could identify
new pathways leading to a spirited revival and a renewal of self-confidence.
On November 22nd 2010, the Health Service Executive (HSE) published its “Reconfiguration of Acute Hospital Services, Cork and Kerry – A roadmap to develop an integrated university hospital network”.
UCC’s Computer Science Department continued its highly successful IT Experience Programme for Transition Year students with its latest offering which ran from 22nd to 26th November, 2010.
New research links in atmospheric chemistry have been established between researchers at UCC and Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU), Japan.
The Philippine Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency Ariel Y. Abadilla will deliver a lecture at UCC tomorrow, Wednesday, December 1st 2010.
UCC recently hosted a study visit by a group of senior staff from the University of Prishtina, Kosovo. The visit was funded by an EC Tempus IV project titled: “Quality Assurance at the University of Prishtina”.
Dr Robert Ryan and Dr Max Dow of the BIOMERIT Research Centre, Department of Microbiology have received a combined grant of €400,000 from the Wellcome Trust earlier this week.
A seminar organised by the Alliance Française in Ireland was held in UCC on November 27th 2010.
Outstanding achievers in the arts, judiciary, medicine and pharmaceutical sector are to be honoured by UCC at the 2010 Alumni Achievement Awards Ceremony which takes place on Friday, December 3rd at the University.
Tyndall National Institute, UCC is this year’s winner of the ‘Renewable Energy Systems Award’ for its new research building. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
(SEAI) announced the winner at its seventh annual Sustainable Energy Awards in
Dublin recently. The
state-of-the-art semiconductor research facility is heated by energy generated
from its data servers, saving 12% on energy costs.
to treacherous weather conditions the Alumni Achievement Awards
ceremony, which was to take place this evening, December 3rd, has been
postponed. The awards ceremony will be rescheduled in 2011.
“Depression: From Psychopathology to Pharmacotherapy” edited by Dr John F. Cryan, Senior Lecturer in School of Pharmacy and Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics and Principal Investigator in the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) along with Professor Brian E. Leonard Emeritus Professor NUI Galway has just been published by Karger Press ISBN: 978-3-8055-9605-3.
Winter conferring ceremonies commenced today (December 6th 2010) at UCC with over 400 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Business & Law and College of Science, Engineering & Food Science. The Conferring addresses were given by Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC, Professor David Gwynn Morgan, former Professor of Law, UCC, and Dr Divakar Ramakrishnan, General Manager, Eli Lilly.
Perched aloft on Shandon Steeple, the iconic church tower overlooking Cork City, a harpist will play and a piper will pipe as the sun rises on a day that will herald the beginning of a new austerity regime on budget day, Tuesday 7th December.
A microscopy image of a neurosphere which was prepared by Louise Collins, Suzanne Crotty and Dr Yvonne Nolan from the Cork Neuroscience Group (CNS) in UCC and submitted to the SFI Image competition 2010 has been selected by the Science Gallery in Trinity College Dublin to be used as the cover image for their 2010 Christmas card.
Winter conferring ceremonies continued today (December 7th 2010) at UCC with over 600 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Business & Law, College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences and College of Medicine & Health. The Conferring addresses were given by Mike Fitzgerald, Chief
Executive Officer, Altobridge Limited (attached); Dr Ann Whall, Visiting
Professor UCC; Professor Emerita, University of Michigan (USA); Allesse Endowed
Chair, Oakland University (USA) (attached) and Professor Willie Molloy,
Professor of Clinical Gerontology, UCC.
“University College Cork continues to attract students of the highest calibre” said UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy when he presented parchments to 74 Entrance Scholarship recipients at a special awards ceremony at the University on Monday, December 6th. Entrance scholarships up to €2000 are awarded each year to students based on their first Leaving Certificate results. All of the scholarship winners this year achieved 570 points in the Leaving Certificate, with almost half achieving 600 points across the Colleges of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Science, Business and Law, Science, Engineering and Food Science and Medicine and Health.
Winter conferring ceremonies concluded today (December 8th 2010) at UCC with almost 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students graduating from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences.
Conferring addresses were given by Mr Theo Dorgan, Poet, Writer & Lecturer
Pictured at the UCC Winter Conferrings on December 7th 2010 are graduates from the College of Medicine & Health including graduates of the new
four-year BSc Midwifery programme.
Cardiovascular disease accounts for about a third of all deaths in the world. In Europe it is the main single cause of death. A key challenge in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is the development of novel medical devices that are less invasive, less expensive, and safer. The
European Commission has launched a project called “Heart-e-Gel”, funded under
the FP7 Specific Programme “Cooperation”, to develop such devices for treating
conditions like varicose veins and abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). The
research project started in September 2010 for a duration of 3 years and is
coordinated by the Tyndall National Institute, UCC.
The Chinese Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency Liu Biwei will deliver a lecture at UCC on Wednesday, December 15th 2010 titled "View China Objectively, Achieve Common Development Cooperatively.” This is the fifth lecture in a series of lectures titled “Ireland in the New Asia” involving the key Asian ambassadors to Ireland, aimed at highlighting the opportunities and challenges for Irish people who, increasingly, will look to the East for a brighter future.
The Cavanagh Pharmacy Building (CPB) is widely recognised as a state-of-the-art infrastructure for teaching and research across all aspects of the Pharmaceutical Sciences. In addition, it plays a critical role for interaction with external stakeholders in the healthcare and industrial arenas.
Two collaborative research teams at UCC have received Healthcare Innovation Programme Awards (HIPA) from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). Dr
Justin McCarthy (Department of Biochemistry) in conjunction
with Dr Gerard McGlacken (Department of Chemistry) of the Analytical &
Biological Chemistry Research Facility (ABCRF) have secured a research award
that will fund a postgraduate student to contribute to Dr McCarthy’s current
SFI Principal Investigator research programme focused on determining the
involvement of regulated intramembrane proteolysis in the immune system.
The Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Clinician Scientist Structured PhD Curriculum has been formally launched, with information on over 60 graduate education modules specially selected for clinician scientist trainees and grouped under curriculum topics in an easily-navigated web interface. Molecular Medicine Ireland was established in 2008 by the National University of Ireland Galway, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University College Cork, University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin and their associated academic hospitals, as a research partnership to accelerate the translation of biomedical research into improved diagnostics and therapies for patients.
Investigating hypotension in the preterm infant will be the focus of a major EU funded Trial just launched at Cork University Hospital. Hypotension remains a significant problem in the preterm infant and is statistically associated with adverse short-term and long-term outcomes. The Hypotension in the Preterm Infant (HIP) trial is a multicentre, multinational, randomised trial of two different approaches to the management of hypotension in the extremely low gestational age newborn (ELGAN) infant.