Study Abroad Photographic Competition
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Study Abroad Photographic Competition

Professor Gavin Burnell, Chair of the International Education Committee, recently presented prizes to the winners of the Study Abroad Photographic Competition organised by UCC’s International Education Office and supported by the International Education Committee.

All students studying abroad during the 2008/2009 academic year were invited to enter a photographic competition which reflected some aspect of the study abroad experience. Over 400 entries were submitted with 14 photographs selected for inclusion in the calendar.

The overall winner of the competition was Stephen Ryan, a student in the Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Science, who studied at the University of Maine.  His photograph features downtown Boston.

Second prize went to Mary-Teresa Madders, a student in the Departments of French and English, who studied at Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, under the Erasmus programme.  Her photograph features an image taken at the Jacques Brel Museum in Brussels.

Third prize went to Giusy Carucci, a student in the School of Asian Studies, who studied at South China Normal University in Guangzhou.  Her photograph features a street scene in Chengdu.

The calendar highlights the wide range of study abroad opportunities available to UCC students. Through the Erasmus programme, the university has extensive links with partner universities in virtually all member states of the European Union. UCC also offers study abroad opportunities in countries such as Australia, Canada, China, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore and the United States of America.

The academic, cultural, social and personal benefits of studying abroad are enormous. Feedback from returned students shows that the intellectual challenge of studying in an international environment is exceptionally rewarding and that language skills improve dramatically.

The calendar has been distributed to over 200 secondary schools in Munster, to academic departments in UCC and to a number of administrative offices in the institution.

A limited number of calendars are available from the International Education Office, UCC.

Further information on study abroad opportunities is available on the International Education Office website:

Picture L-R: Professor Gavin Burnell, Chair of the International Education Committee and Stephen Ryan, winner of the first prize in the Study Abroad Photographic Competition.


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