Improving compliance with EU obligations is a pressing concern given the significant environmental challenges facing Ireland today including climate change, loss of biodiversity and water pollution. The conference will examine the extent to which effective and timely remedies are available for breaches of EU environmental law. The aim is to inform participants about recent developments in enforcement and to promote discussion among interested parties including lawyers, the judiciary, regulators, NGOs, academics, law students and the public.
Over 170 participants will hear a wide range of perspectives on enforcement related matters. Speakers include: Tom Flynn BL; Margaret Gray BL; Liam Cashman, Directorate-General Environment, European Commission; Dara Lynott, Office of Environmental Enforcement; and Karin Dubsky, co-ordinator Coastwatch. Mr Justice Frank Clarke of the High Court and David Holland SC will chair the discussions.
The event is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs Communicating Europe Initiative.
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