UCC is top ‘Knowledge Provider’ university in €11m Enterprise Ireland initiative
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UCC is top ‘Knowledge Provider’ university in €11m Enterprise Ireland initiative

Mr Conor Lenihan TD, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation declared University College Cork (UCC) Ireland’s top Knowledge Provider university at an Enterprise Ireland event in Dublin on September 1st 2010.

Over 1,000 small Irish companies have used a €5,000 Innovation Voucher from Enterprise Ireland to pay for research and business innovation services from knowledge providers since the initiative was launched in 2007.  A voucher enables a small company to access the skills, knowledge, and specialist facilities available in these research institutions which are funded by the State.

 “Like the other universities, we publish our research internationally with the best in the world and we support the multinationals and high technology companies” says Professor Peter Kennedy, UCC’s Vice-President for Research.  “What’s different about us, and why we’re number one today, is because we also support the small Irish companies that are busy rebuilding our economy with innovative products and services.”

Picture: Mr Conor Lenihan TD, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation presenting the award to Professor Peter Kennedy, Vice-President for Research, UCC (right) and Ms Miriam Collins, Research Support Administrator, UCC (left).


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