Linking Research and Industry
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Linking Research and Industry

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and PharmaChemical Ireland (PCI) will host a forum at UCC’s Cavanagh Pharmacy Building on Thursday, May 27th 2010 which will showcase SFI funded research to the Irish pharmaceutical industry.

The event will provide the opportunity for leading academic researchers to foster links with the pharmaceutical industry thereby enabling companies to benefit from new and enhanced technologies. It is specifically aimed at researchers who are conducting research relevant to process analytical technology (PAT), chemometrics, process modeling & converging technologies with industry.

About PCI
PharmaChemical Ireland represents the chemical and pharmaceutical industry in Ireland. Our member company's research, develop and manufacture pharmaceutical products, ingredients and general chemical material. PharmaChemical Ireland represents their member company's views to the government, relevant state agencies, local authorities and the public. The association is committed to providing a receptive environment for a strong and progressive industry in Ireland.  PharmaChemical Ireland will lead the sector towards achieving its vision by bringing together all relevant stakeholders in the State, namely industry, government, research community and the public at large to effectively communicate the unique attractiveness of this country as a leading location for the supply and development of such products.  Visit:

About SFI
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is a key organisation in the implementation of the NDP 2007-2013 and the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2006-2013.  A sum of €8.2 billion has been allocated for scientific research under the NDP and SSTI of which SFI has responsibility to invest €1.4 billion.  SFI will continue to invest in academic researchers and research teams who are most likely to generate new knowledge, leading edge technologies and competitive enterprises in the fields of science and engineering. Visit   

To view the agenda please follow this link:

The event is free to attend but participants should register in advance by emailing


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