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2010 Press Releases

Seminar to mark International Women’s Day

A total of 250 students representing eight Cork girls’ secondary schools packed the G01 lecture theatre in Brookfield Health Sciences Complex to celebrate this international event on Monday, March 8th 2010.

The students, mostly from Transition Year, listened to stimulating presentations from five female presenters.

PharmaChemical/IBEC educational officer, Ms Siobhán Murphy, liaised with Noel Brett of the Science and Technology Teaching and Learning Centre at UCC to promote the event with the theme: ‘Women in Science and Technology’. A video of the event will at a later stage be presented to schools.

Siobhán Murphy gave a brief history of the origins of Women’s Day, referring to the fact that demonstrations marking International Women's Day in Russia served as a precursor to the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917.  She continued with an outline of her interesting work in promoting chemistry so that the vast Pharmaceutical Industry would have access to an adequate supply of graduates in the future.

Deirdre Ryan, a chemical engineer with Eli Lilly, spoke of her work schedule, emphasising that it was anything but routine. She described how chemists and engineers work jointly in the manufacturing of drugs in the industry.

Ruth Appelby, a chemist and team leader with Pfizer, explained how her day involves teleconferencing, travel, and the on-going development of a wide variety of new products.

Valerie Cowman, an assistant manager with Fás, charted her work which is mainly focused on the re-training of people in a state-of-the-art virtual learning environment.

Professor Anita Maguire, Head, School of Pharmacy/Director of the Analytical and Biological Chemistry Facility, UCC, delivered inspiring words of encouragement to all present.  One of her main proponents who initially triggered her interest in chemistry was her science teacher in secondary school. She challenged those present to seriously consider careers in science and she emphasised that subsequent job opportunities were both varied and interesting; but, she cautioned: ’Do opt for a field of science, and there are many, that interests you.’

Pictured at the Seminar were Presenters L-R:  Dr Ruth Appelbe, Professor Anita Maguire, Ms Siobhán Murphy, Ms Deirdre Ryan, Ms Valerie Cowman.


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