Position Paper was developed by the Marine Board Working Group on Marine
Biotechnology of which Professor Dobson was a member.
The report presents a shared vision for European Marine
Biotechnology and provides an updated view of Marine Biotechnology to policy
makers at both EU and national levels and to EU and national scientific and
administrative officers involved in research in marine sciences and their
interacting fields in Health, Food, Environment and Energy.
Marine Biotechnology, which involves marine bioresources,
either as the source or the target of biotechnology applications, is fast
becoming an important component of the global biotechnology sector. The global
market for Marine Biotechnology products and processes is currently estimated
at €2.8 billion. The position paper illustrates that Marine Biotechnology can
make an increasingly important contribution towards meeting societal challenges
such as a sustainable supply of food and energy, climate change and
environmental degradation, human health and aging populations and can support
economic recovery and growth in Europe by delivering new knowledge, products
and services. The paper provides a number of recommendations on research
priorities in the areas of Food, Energy, Health, Environment, and Industrial
Products and Processes.
The Position Paper on Marine Biotechnology can be viewed and
downloaded at web-link:
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