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2010 Press Releases

The History and Philosophy of Science.

Is homeopathy scientific?
Would science be different if there were more women scientists?
Is global warming a big hoax?
Did science begin in the stone age?

These and many other questions about science are the focus of a new University-Wide Module - “History and Philosophy of Science” (UW0003/UW0093) - available to all students at UCC this academic year.  The 24-lecture module runs from September 22nd 2010 to March 23rd 2011.  Lectures will be delivered on Wednesdays at 6.00pm in Kane G1. The new module is an exciting and productive collaboration between the humanities and the sciences at UCC.

Other topics addressed in the course include Chinese and Islamic science in the middle ages, the rise of mathematics from Copernicus to Newton, falsification/confirmation of scientific theories, the theory of evolution, scientific and social questions about genes, the limits of science, pseudoscience, and more.

The new course offers students an opportunity to get a rigorous introduction to the history and philosophy of science, an area in which formal education in the sciences has traditionally been notably lacking. The new module complements the existing UW module on Science in Society (UW0002) that has been running very successfully for the past 4 years. 

This module is jointly coordinated by Professor William Reville, Public Awarenesss of Science Officer, College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, and Dr. Dylan Evans, Lecturer in Behavioural Science, School of Medicine.  It will be delivered by staff from several departments, including the Philosophy Department and the History Department, the School of Medicine  and College of SEFS.

Image shows the eminent philosopher of science, Karl Popper.

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University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
