Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century
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Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century

Over 150 academics, youth work practitioners and policy makers attended the international conference Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st century – Youth Work, Young People and Youth Policy at UCC earlier this month.

Opened by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy, the conference was addressed by several keynote speakers, including Ms Kate Sapin (University of Manchester), Mary Cunningham (National Youth Council of Ireland), Dr Maurice Devlin (NUI Maynooth) and Professor Fred Powell (Dean of Social Science, UCC).

The report National Study of Youth Work Provision and Policy in Contemporary Ireland, conducted in 2008, was launched at the conference. This is the first independent and national study of youth work provision in Ireland, which offers key findings relating to contemporary youth work provision and policy in Ireland.  A wide variety of presentations by academics and practitioners were given in seven parallel afternoon sessions, ranging from issues related to youth culture, innovative youth work models, issues facing young people, youth justice and youth work as well as youth policy. 

The conference was organised as part of the 3-year research project Civil Society, Youth and Youth Policy in Modern Ireland, funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS). The project has been conducted under the leadership of project directors Professor Fred Powell (Dean of Social Science and Head of Applied Social Studies) and Dr. Martin Geoghegan (School of Applied Social Studies), with the participation of project researchers Dr Margaret Scanlon and Ms Katharina Swirak.

Picture: Professor Fred Powell (Dean of Social Science, UCC) and Ms Kate Sapin (University of Manchester)





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