Award for UCC Academic
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Award for UCC Academic

Dr Brian O’Flaherty, Business Information Systems, was awarded ‘the Academic Award for Outstanding Contribution to Entrepreneurship Education in Irish Third Level Institutions’ at the recent All-Island Student Enterprise Awards, held in Dublin City University.

Congratulating Dr O’Flaherty on the award, Richard Murphy, Head of Regional Development and Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Ireland, emphasised that “this prestigious award recognises the individual contributions of academics, who instil entrepreneurship within Irish third level Institutions.  It is critical for the development of indigenous Irish industry that highly skilled graduates are encouraged and educated in entrepreneurship practice.”

Professor Ciarán Murphy, Head of Department of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems stated that “this prestigious national award to Dr O’Flaherty is external validation of his sustained track record in the area of Innovative Software entrepreneurship that his work deserves.”

The 2010 Student Awards, sponsored jointly by Enterprise Ireland, Invest Northern Ireland and Cruickshanks, aims to encourage innovation, promote enterprise and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship among third level students.

Picture: Ian Pennick of The Streat Franchise and entrepreneurial expert on the 2010 judging panel with Dr Brian O’Flaherty, UCC (right).


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