2010 Press Releases
The NAIRTL International Summer School at UCC concluded today (July 9th 2010).
75 delegates from 28 countries attended the Summer School which commenced on July 5th. The event focussed on the Bologna action lines and aimed to provide delegates with the strategies and tools to facilitate the delivery of higher education in a modern, global environment.
The Bologna Action Lines were devised to make degrees more compatible and comparable across Europe and to develop a European Higher Education Area that is attractive to students and scholars worldwide. Ireland has been very successful in implementing the Bologna action lines, evidenced by the country’s position at the top of the Bologna Scorecard in 2007, and its second place in 2009. The Summer School presenters included some of the key actors involved in implementing Bologna in Ireland who shared their experiences and advice during the week-long event.
A number of UCC representatives were involved in delivering the sessions including Dr Bettie Higgs, Professor Emeritus Áine Hyland, Dr Declan Kennedy, Ms Marian McCarthy, Dr Rónán Ó Dubhghaill, and Dr Norma Ryan.
The International Summer School is targeted at all higher education professionals interested in implementing Bologna in their Institution. In particular it is aimed at policy makers, senior managers, lecturers and educational developers in Bologna countries and countries aligning with Bologna as well as higher education professionals worldwide. For further information please go to http://www.nairtl.ie/summerschool
Picture: Delegates attending the NAIRTL Summer School