All visitors are welcome on the main campus and at Brookfield throughout the
day from 10.00am to 3.00 pm. There will be talks for everyone – Leaving
Certificate students, parents, TY students, mature applicants and for those
applying through the HEAR or DARE schemes. Presentations detailing each
undergraduate programme in UCC and specific talks on careers in all areas and
for mature students will also be given. Members of the Students Union will also
host a talk on Student Life and on Finance & Grants and the Philosoph
Society will host a debate.
Information Stands will be located in the Student Centre, the Main Rest, Kampus
Kitchen and in Brookfield and visitors will have the opportunity to ask UCC
staff questions on a one-to-one basis and take the time to explore campus with
tours of various labs and facilities around campus.
Student Ambassadors will be on hand all day to show visitors around. For more
information email