UCC Musicians find their Sacred Hearts
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UCC Musicians find their Sacred Hearts

UCC staff, students, and alumni perform in an upcoming Irish premiere at the East Cork Early Music Festival.

A vibrant and compelling mix of visual drama, spoken word and live music, Sacred Hearts, Secret Music is a unique collaborative event created by novelist Sarah Dunant and the directors of Musica Secreta and the Celestial Sirens, Laurie Stras and Deborah Roberts, visiting masterclass teacher at UCC.

The premier Irish performance will take place at St Colman’s Cathedral, Cobh at 4pm on Sunday, September 19th 2010. The performers include UCC music lecturer Melanie Marshall singing with the Celestial Sirens in the role of Quirina, UCC music undergraduate Hayleigh Clement-Doyle, and UCC music doctoral composer Irene Buckley.

An audience with Sarah Dunant takes place on Friday, September 17th at 1pm, co-presented by UCC School of Music and Theatre, UCC School of English and East Cork Early Music in partnership with the Lewis Glucksman Gallery. The Head of UCC School of English, Professor James Knowles, will be joined by Musica Secreta’s ‘band boffin’ Laurie Stras and author Sarah Dunant to discuss the creative interaction of literature and music, history and fiction, and the challenges of bringing the past to life.

The audience with Sarah Dunant is free. Tickets for Sacred Hearts, Secret Music are available from the Everyman Palace Theatre, Tel. 021 4501673.

Picture: Celestial Sirens (photo by Rosie Taylor)


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