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2010 Press Releases

Queer Notions – CUP Publication

Queer Notions: New Plays and performances from Ireland is published today (October 5th 2010) by Cork University Press.

Queer Notions is a seminal anthology of new plays and performance documentation from Ireland.  The Foreword by Frank McGuinness

This collection is a record of some of the most important performative ideas and embodied interventions that have shaped queer culture and theatre and performance practice in Ireland in recent times, principally in the years following the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1993, up to and including the present. The anthology includes plays, experimental performance documentation, and a visual essay that reveal the impassioned creativity that illuminates and invigorates the margins of culture.

Introduction: The Flaming Archive by Fintan Walsh

  • The Queen & Peacock (2000) by Loughlin Deegan
  • Passage (2001) by Deirdre Kinahan
  • A Cure for Homosexuality (2005) by Neil Watkins
  • The Drowning Room (2006) by Verity-Alicia Mavenawitz
  • Danny and Chantelle (Still Here) (2006) by Phillip McMahon
  • The Ecstasy of Tomorrow (Visual Essay, 1987-2010), by Niall Sweeney
  • Victor and Gord, Ali and Michael (2009) by Úna McKevitt, with cast
  • A Woman in Progress (2009) by Panti

Fintan Walsh is IRCHSS Government of Ireland Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Drama at the School of Drama, Film and Music, Trinity College, Dublin.



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University College Cork

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