Argentinean Ambassador visits UCC
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Argentinean Ambassador visits UCC

The Argentinean Ambassador to Ireland, HE Maria Esther Bondanza, recently paid a courtesy visit to UCC. Ambassador Bondanza was welcomed to the university by Professor Grace Neville, Deputy President/Vice-President for Teaching and Learning.

Professor Dermot Keogh, recently retired from UCC’s History Department and Mr Stephen Boyd of UCC’s Hispanic Studies Department also joined Professor Neville in hosting the Ambassador.

An agreement of academic cooperation between UCC and Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, is already in place and the Ambassador, while visiting UCC, expressed her interest in developing further Irish-Argentine academic linkages.  Professor Grace Neville agreed that, “historically, there is a long tradition of Irish emigration to Argentina and consequently, a large proportion of today’s Irish diaspora are settled in Argentina. UCC hopes that the Ambassador’s visit to UCC will further strengthen connections between the countries and in so doing, offer greater opportunities for UCC students to visit Argentina and similarly welcome Argentinean students to our city.”

Picture L-R: Professor Dermot Keogh, Department of History, UCC, HE Maria Esther Bondanza, Argentinian Ambassador, Professor Grace Neville, Deputy President, UCC and Mr Stephen Boyd, Hispanic Studies, UCC.



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