Representative James O’Day, Massachusetts State Legislature visits UCC
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Representative James O’Day, Massachusetts State Legislature visits UCC

Students in UCC today (October 4th 2010) enjoyed a guest lecture by Representative James O’Day of the Massachusetts State Legislature, Boston.

Representative O’Day delivered an exciting and informative lecture to the 3rd BSc Government Students at the invitation of the Head of the Department, Professor Neil Collins.

The Department of Government, UCC has a long and successful link with the Massachusetts State Legislature and has sent more than 40 students on Work Placement to the offices of representatives over the past eight years.  Speaking of the strong link, Fiona Buckley, Academic Director of Work Placement in the Department of Government, stated: “Each year we are extremely impressed by the scope of work undertaken by our students interning in the Massachusetts State Legislature.  The benefit of putting their academic theory into practice is invaluable and the students take part in a dedicated Intern programme run by the State House which they really enjoy.  In addition, we receive glowing reports from the Representatives who very much value the students’ contribution each summer in their offices.”

Indeed Rep O’Day was delighted to meet up with his 2010 Intern, Finbarr O’Brien, BSc Government IV, during his visit to UCC.  Speaking of his first visit to the UCC campus, Rep O’Day said: “It is wonderful to visit such an esteemed university and to have opportunity to share with the students my experience of American Politics.  I look forward to continuing our strong link with the Department of Government and UCC.”

Picture L-R: Fiona Buckley, Department of Government, UCC; Barry O’Brien, BSc Government IV; Rep James O’Day, Massachusetts State Legislature and Dearbhail O’Callaghan, Department of Government, UCC.


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