Titled: “George Boole – A Portrait of the Man and his Work”, the lecture will take place on Tuesday, December 7th 2010 in Lecture Theatre 5, Western Gateway Building, UCC.
In the 8th Annual Boole Lecture, Professor MacHale will discuss George Boole the man, his life in Lincoln and Cork, as an active citizen concerned about the welfare of his fellow human beings. He will also discuss Boole’s work as a Professor at Queen’s College (now University College) Cork, his books, papers and writings, which led to his being described as both the father of computer science and the founder of pure mathematics.
The lecture is aimed at interested members of the general public and will be non-technical in nature. It should be of particular interest to teachers and their pupils and those interested in the history of Mathematics, Logic, Computer Science, Electronics, Probability and Education.
The Boole Lecture Series is sponsored annually by the Boole Centre for Research in Informatics, the Cork Constraint Computation Centre, the Department of Computer Science & the School of Mathematical Sciences, UCC.
Admission is free – all welcome.