‘Patients and Peace’ - Exhibition
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‘Patients and Peace’ - Exhibition

In conjunction with the inaugural Joe O’Donnell Memorial lecture and the Medical Alumni Scientific Conference, the Jennings Gallery will open ‘Patients and Peace’ - an exhibition of paintings by the late Mr Joe O’Donnell MChFRCSI, on September 16th at 5.30pm.

UCC and the Jennings Gallery are honoring this work posthumously and pay tribute to Joe O’Donnell, not only for his artistic talent but also for his 23 year service as a vascular surgeon and for the great personal qualities for which he is remembered in high esteem by his colleagues, family and friends.

The exhibition will run from September 17th to October 30th inclusive.

If you would like an invitation to the opening reception on September 16th please contact Ruth at jenningsgallery@ucc.ie

For details of the Exhibition visit: http://www.ucc.ie/en/jennings-gallery

Picture:  The late Mr Joe O'Donnell



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