Now in its sixth year, it is jointly delivered by the UCC Faculty of Law and the Franklin Pierce Law Center, New Hampshire. The programme is structured to utilise UCC’s considerable teaching expertise in e-Law and Commercial Law and the Law Centre’s in-depth understanding of the world of Commerce, Technology and Intellectual Property, resulting in a comprehensive and pertinent course for the modern e-Law specialist.
At the Annual eLSI Reception, sponsored by the Southern Law Association (SLA) and the Faculty of Law UCC, Mr Eamon Murray, President of the SLA, welcomed all those participating in the Institute and wished them well in their studies.
The reception was also attended by The Hon Ms Justice Elizabeth Dunne and The Hon Mr Justice Paul Butler, of the High Court, Judges Seán Ó Donnabháin and Con Murphy of the Cork Circuit Court, Judge David Riordan of the Cork District Court, local legal practitioners and members of the Law Faculty.
As well as addressing issues of law and policy in the information age, eLSI is to the fore in its use of information technology in the delivery of the programme. Participating students are provided with CDs of related reading materials as well as asynchronous teaching modules whereby individual classes are pre-recorded and delivered on DVD for viewing on computer or video iPod.
The UCC co-Directors of eLSI, Dr Fidelma White and Ms Louise Crowley, were recently awarded a President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (2009) for their work on the programme.
Picture L-R: Judge David Riordan, District Court, Professor David Gwynn Morgan, Department of Law, UCC, Judge Con Murphy, Circuit Court, Dr Anthony S. Caprio, American Bar Association.