Opportunity for Entrepreneurial Graduates at UCC
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Opportunity for Entrepreneurial Graduates at UCC

IGNITE, a new Centre designed to give graduates professional help with business start-ups, was launched at University College Cork (UCC) today (November 12th 2010) by Mr Billy Kelleher TD, Minister for Trade & Commerce.

Based at the IGNITE Graduate Business Innovation Centre, located at UCC’s Western Gateway Building, the 12-month programme will provide the back-up and environment for graduates to turn innovative ideas into new products and services.

The programme is delivered by UCC in partnership with the Cork County and City Enterprise Boards and is being sponsored by Cork County Council, Cork Chamber, EMC and PFH. It is open to all recent graduates of any 3rd Level Institution. Each year, some 10 candidates will be selected to participate through a competitive process. 

The IGNITE Centre at UCC will provide successful candidates with free:

Launching the initiative, Minister Kelleher said: “Ireland has had a long tradition of entrepreneurial spirit and activity but perhaps the need to foster, nurture and develop such activity and spirit has never been greater. Entrepreneurship does not just happen – it needs a practical framework and it is principally the role of Government and its Agencies to put that framework in place but there is a strong parallel role also for the education sector at both 2nd and 3rd level. The Ignite initiative quite clearly builds on the vision of the Innovation Taskforce Report, published earlier this year, which recommended a transfer of knowledge from higher education to industry, and greater commercialisation of academic output and endeavour.”

Welcoming the initiative, UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy, said: “One of the key roles of a university is to take a lead in encouraging ideas and innovation amongst its graduates. The IGNITE Graduate Business Innovation Centre at UCC will provide a professional environment for graduates to nurture innovative ideas and accelerate business start-ups.  The 12-month comprehensive programme will allow graduates of all disciplines access to the University’s academic, research and commercialisation expertise and its vast information resources and provide the structures necessary to turn bright ideas into marketable products and services.”

An IGNITE Information Evening will take place on Wednesday, November 24th 2010 at 6pm.  To register please email ignite@ucc.ie

The programme will commence in January 2011. Candidates are invited to submit a Curriculum Vitae and Application Form available on http://ignite.ucc.ie   Closing date: December 10th 2010.

Pictured at the launch of the IGNITE Graduate Business Innovation Centre today (November 12th 2010) were L-R : Dr Rónán Ó Dubhghaill, Director of Strategic Planning, UCC, Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC, Mr Douglas Kelleher, Chairman, South Cork Enterprise Board and Mr Billy Kelleher TD, Minister for Trade & Commerce. 













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