UCC strengthens its relationship with Guilin University of Electronic Engineering (GUET), China
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UCC strengthens its relationship with Guilin University of Electronic Engineering (GUET), China

A visit to UCC this week by a university delegation from Guilin, China, has further developed UCC’s engagement with overseas partner institutions.

The delegation from Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET), led by Professor Tang Gui Wu, Chairman of the University Board, visited UCC to build on the existing institutional relationship and to discuss new areas of cooperation. The delegation also had the opportunity to meet with the 40–strong student cohort from GUET who are currently studying in UCC. 

GUET is a specialised institution whose key strengths are in Engineering and Information Technology.  To date, cooperation between UCC and GUET has been in the area of Computer Science and Engineering. A key development in the last year has been the expansion of the scope of the agreement to include the study of Economics at UCC and this month the School of Economics has welcomed its first GUET student. It is expected that, from 2011 onwards, a large number of students from GUET will transfer to the UCC Economics programme where they will join students from other key partners in China.

In a meeting with Dr. Michael Murphy, President of UCC, Professor Tang commented:  “UCC is by now GUET’s premier international partner. This visit has offered me the opportunity to see the many attractions that the UCC experience holds for our students in GUET. I am deeply impressed, not just by the campus itself, but by the enthusiasm and energy of all the UCC staff I have met. Our students are fortunate to study at such a progressive institution.” In reply, Dr. Murphy remarked that the visit had succeeded in taking the relationship to the next level: “I am glad to see that our colleagues in the areas of Business and Environmental Sciences are keen to engage with one of our key university partners in China. The excellent performance of GUET students at UCC over the last two years gives confidence that the same high standards will prevail among the students who will join us in the future”.

Adds Louise Tobin, Director of International Student Recruitment and Strategy: “Our notable success in attracting Chinese students to UCC is largely due to our decision to engage in meaningful relationships with strategic partners. The expanding nature of the relationship with GUET, for example, proves that the positive student experience of students in one discipline will lead to new flows into other disciplines. UCC is now firmly on the map in Guilin: our visitors remarked that five years ago Ireland was barely heard of in the region!”

Image:  Guilin University of Electronic Engineering (GUET), China/University College Cork by Gary Hurley


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