The competition was organised by UCC and science publisher Elsevier in the wake of the serious flooding in November 2009.
At a special award ceremony in the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Dr Murphy announced four category winners from Elsevier offices in New York, Amsterdam, Oxford and St. Louis. Entries came from Elsevier staff around the world, who made a donation to the gallery to enter the competition. This contribution was match funded by Elsevier. The overall winner Laure Ballu travelled from the UK to receive her award.
The event was attended by many UCC staff including Professor Alan Kelly, Dean of Graduate Studies, who was the initial point of contact between Elsevier and the Lewis Glucksman Gallery. Professor Kelly said: “This represents a significant and very innovative development building on the academic links many UCC staff have forged through acting as authors or editors of Elsevier books and journals for years”.
UCC President speaking at the event said: “One of the hallmarks of a research-active university is the quality of its publications in the academic and scholarly literature. In this regard, UCC staff, many of whom are here today, have had a long association with Elsevier, as one of the leading international publishers of research in a multitude of fields.”
Wendy Hurp, Publisher at Elsevier, who was joined by co-organiser and publisher Clare Lehane in travelling from the Oxford office to attend the event, said that “I am so pleased to be here today to see the competition winners recognized, and to celebrate the collaboration between UCC and Elsevier which has proved so rewarding in the past.”
Fiona Kearney, Director of the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, who was one of the competition judges, said that she was very impressed with the diversity of images that came from Elsevier staff around the world. She praised the overall winner Laure Ballu for creating a heartwarming image that will speak to a global audience.
Picture: ‘Len’, the overall winning entry by Laure Ballu, Oxford, UK in the Global Photography Competition organised by Elsevier and the Lewis Glucksman Gallery.