IRIS is an easy-to-use, web-based application that allows researchers to maintain, update and publicize their research profiles. The system is designed to reduce the administrative burden placed on researchers by allowing their profile information to be easily re-used in multiple formats including Quality Review submissions, Research Quality Review submissions, grant applications etc. Researchers’ profiles are also available for viewing via their Department /School/Institute website.
By accurately capturing the research output of the University and significantly enhancing the efficient and timely dissemination of our research strengths and activities, IRIS will perform a vital function for UCC. In addition, the system provides a framework for meeting the requirements of funding bodies with respect to disseminating research outputs.
The key benefits offered by IRIS for the UCC research community includes:
IRIS was piloted in a number of departments/schools including English, Biochemistry, and Epidemiology and Public Health and, having successfully implemented the system in these units, the IRIS project team has now initiated the full rollout across the University.
For more information on IRIS and the planned roll-out schedule, please visit
Pictured at the launch of IRIS (from left to right), Mr Barry O’Sullivan (Project Manager, UCC Computer Centre), Ms Breeda Herlihy (CORA Manager, UCC Library), Dr David O’Connell (Research Officer, UCC Research Office) and Mr Batt O’Keeffe TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Innovation.