The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
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The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

The natural greenhouse effect due to heat absorbing gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is essential for maintaining a comfortable temperature for life on Earth. The addition of excess greenhouse gases by human emissions upsets the natural balance and leads to global warming, with a consequent melting of sea ice and glaciers.
In the next lecture of the 2010 College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series at UCC, Professor J. Ray Bates will discuss the basic mechanism of the greenhouse effect and the consequences of man’s activities in raising greenhouse gas levels.

The lecture titled: “The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming” will be delivered on Wednesday, January 20th at 8pm in Boole IV Lecture Theatre.

Ray Bates is Adjunct Professor of Meteorology at UCD. He was formerly Professor of Meteorology at the University of Copenhagen and a Senior Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre. For most of his career he has been involved in the mathematical modeling of weather and climate. He was awarded the 2009 Vilhelm Bjerknes Medal of the European Geosciences Union for his research in these fields.

Organised by Professor William Reville, Public Awareness of Science Officer, UCC, the highly popular lecture series, continues weekly until March 10th 2010.

Admission to the lecture is free, and as always, members of the public are invited to attend. See


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