This generic skills module gives PhD students an understanding of the relationship between research and commercial opportunity. Brice Jamieson, with a presentation titled “Power Supply on a Chip - Next Generation inductive Components'”won the best presentation prize, which was sponsored by the Cork City Enterprise Board.
Professor John O'Halloran, Vice Head of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS), noted the 'cross campus collaboration nature of the training module and emphasised that Innovation and Enterprise training is critical to support the contribution of UCC to the smart economy.' A range of staff from the College of Business and Law and the Office of Technology Transfer contributed to delivery of the the module. These included Louise Crowley (Law), Lawrence Dooley (Management & Marketing), Mark Mulcahy(AFIS), Carol Kelleher (Management & Marketing), Brian O'Flaherty (AFIS) and Patrick Morrissey (Technology Transfer Office).
A number of postdoctoral entrepreneurs, with associations with UCC, kindly contributed to the module by sharing their inspirational stories of the transition from research to managing a technology company. These included Dr Liam Kelly (CEO Nualight), Dr Richard Fernandes (LuxCel) & Dr Gerry Mouzakitis (Gourmet Marine).
Picture L-R (Foreground): Dr Patrick Morrissey (Technology Transfer Office), Professor John O'Halloran (Vice Head, SEFS), Brice Jamieson (PhD Candidate, Tyndall National Institute), Dr Brian O'Flaherty (Module Coordinator) along with the other module participants in the background.