Better Options 2010
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Better Options 2010

The Disability Support Service, UCC in association with AHEAD (Association for Higher Education Access & Disability) and DAWN (Disability Advisors Working Network) are hosting a one-day event for students with a disability or specific learning difficulty.

The event, titled BETTER OPTIONS will take place on Wednesday, October 13th , Áras na Mac Léinn, Student Centre, UCC from 9.30am to 2.00pm and will focus on the CAO/Disability Access Route to Education (DARE). DARE is a supplementary admissions scheme which offers college places on reduced points to school leavers (under 23 years as of 1st January 2011) with disabilities.

If you are a prospective student with a disability or specific learning difficulty, a parent of a prospective student, or a guidance counsellor, find out all you need to know about  DARE at UCC’s Better Options which includes:

Presentation on the DARE scheme:



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