2010 Press Releases
UCC GAA, in collaboration with students from the Sports Studies programme, under the direction of Dr Julia Walsh, and with the assistance of the Physical Education Department and International Education Office, recently piloted a recreational Gaelic Games initiative aimed at UCC’s international students and staff.
A large group of students met at the Mardyke on October 21st and participated in a Gaelic Football coaching session. Students from Austria, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Norway, Spain, The Netherlands and the United States of America, took the opportunity to learn basic football drills and to participate in kicking, hand passing and catching games under the direction of Final Year Sports Studies students. The students also had the opportunity to watch DVDs of inter county football matches.
John Grainger, GAA Development Officer at UCC, complimented the students on their enthusiasm and level of skills. “We would like to reach as many international students as possible with the ultimate aim of helping them develop their skills so that we can consider an intervarsity international Gaelic Football match,” he said. The programme will continue with another session of Gaelic Football before Christmas and in the New Year international students will be introduced to the game of hurling. Any international students or staff who would like more information on this initiative should contact John Grainger at j.grainger @ucc.ie
Picture: International students and staff who participated in a Gaelic Football coaching session.