2010 Press Releases
Minister Éamon Ryan visits UCC
Minister Éamon Ryan, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources visited UCC today (April 30th 2010). The aim of the Minister’s visit was to brief him on recent successes and current plans in the areas of Maritime and Energy R&D in the university.
Minister Éamon Ryan, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources visited UCC today (April 30th 2010). The aim of the Minister’s visit was to brief him on recent successes and current plans in the areas of Maritime and Energy R&D in the university.
The Minister was welcomed by UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy followed by a full and informative discussion on a range of issues with a UCC delegation which included Professor Patrick Fitzpatrick, Head of College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS); Professor Alan Dobson, Director Environmental Research Institute, Dr Tony Lewis, Director Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre (HMRC), Dr Jerry Murphy, PI Sustainable Energy Research Group, Ms Valerie Cummins, Acting Director, Maritime & Energy Research Campus & Commercial Cluster.
Picture: Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC with Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources.
Picture: Dr Michael Murphy, President, UCC with Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources.