2010 Press Releases
A new initiative showcasing UCC’s doctoral research students will take place tomorrow (June 2nd 2010) in the university. UCC reached a significant milestone in 2010 when 1,000 doctoral students registered to pursue doctoral degrees in a range of disciplines in all four Colleges. This number has more than doubled since 2003 and now stands at 1,200.
The inaugural Doctoral Research Showcase, the first of its kind in Ireland, will provide the opportunity for the students to communicate their research to a public, non-specialist audience. All four Colleges [Medicine & Health, Science, Engineering & Food Science (SEFS), Business & Law and Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences] will be represented at the event. Following initial competition among 150 research students, a group of twenty was selected for the Final culminating in the Showcase.
Representatives from external organisations, including industry, employers and cultural bodies have been invited to the Showcase to hear the finalists present a diverse of topics ranging from Wave Energy to Dental Care in the Older Adult, Alzheimer’s Disease, Food Choices for the Older Adult, Health Research on the Internet, Diabetes - Quality of Care.
Professor Alan Kelly, Dean of Graduate Studies of UCC, emphasised the inter-disciplinary nature of the showcase: “What is really unique and exciting about the Showcase is that we will have, in each session, a complete mix of subjects, so that a talk on post-primary education appears sandwiched between one on genetics of disease and another on quantum physics. It is rare for researchers and students to learn about research outside their discipline, so one of the key objectives on the day is to break down barriers between fields and expose the audience to a wide range of ideas and areas”.
There are two main categories within the Showcase, each with a prize of €1,000. In the oral presentation, category participants will face the challenge of making their research as interesting as possible, while also making it understandable to a general non-specialist audience. In the poster category, participants will create posters aimed at showcasing their research to a wider audience.
The Doctoral Research Showcase takes place in Devere Hall, University College Cork tomorrow, June 4th 2010 commencing at 9.15am. Visit: http://www.ucc.ie/en/graduatestudies/current/DoctoralResearchShowcase2010/timetable/