Clinician Scientist PhD Curriculum
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Clinician Scientist PhD Curriculum

The Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Clinician Scientist Structured PhD Curriculum has been formally launched, with information on over 60 graduate education modules specially selected for clinician scientist trainees and grouped under curriculum topics in an easily-navigated web interface. Molecular Medicine Ireland was established in 2008 by the National University of Ireland Galway, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University College Cork, University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin and their associated academic hospitals, as a research partnership to accelerate the translation of biomedical research into improved diagnostics and therapies for patients.


The purpose of the Structured PhD Curriculum is to sustain the commitment to train clinician scientists in Ireland, building on the experience of delivering the MMI Clinician Scientist Fellowship Programme, funded through PRTLI Cycle 4.

The Clinician Scientist Curriculum will be used to identify structured training that medical graduate students may wish to pursue in consultation with their research supervisors, and as part of existing institutional requirements with respect to module attendance and credits. Students and supervisors may also identify modules taking place in other institutions that may be of interest.

Professor Jonathan Hourihane (Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health at UCC and MMI Board Director) commented that “the MMI Clinician Scientist Structured PhD Curriculum is an important resource that demonstrates how institutions can work together to pursue a national research objective: the training of clinician scientists in Ireland. Young clinicians considering a scientific career path will see exactly what training is on offer locally and nationally.”

In the pilot phase, medical graduate students and their PhD research supervisors, based in each institution, are invited to use the curriculum and provide feedback. More information is available by emailing MMI at


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