UCC Director of Development named WMB Businesswoman of the Year
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UCC Director of Development named WMB Businesswoman of the Year

Dr Jean Van Sinderen-Law, UCC Director of Development has won the WMB Businesswoman of the Year 2010. The fourth Women Mean Business (WMB) Conference and Awards Ceremony, designed to recognise the outstanding achievements of Ireland’s businesswomen, took place on Monday, September 27th 2010 at Dublin’s Shelbourne Hotel, St. Stephen’s Green.
Five awards were presented on the day with Dr van Sinderen-Law taking the overall title.

Speaking at the event, Rosemary Delaney, Managing Director of WMB Publishing, said, ‘If I could bottle up the entrepreneurial spirit that we all experienced today, I would be one lucky lady.  It’s vital that the leaders in business – the Microsofts, Accentures and Avivas of this world – continue to step up to encourage, inspire and drive change.  There has been much media debate of late with regard to the role of women.   It’s the women here today, with Awards in hand, that show the true spirit of Irish society, the true meaning of success.”

The day-long event included some unique speakers to motivate and inspire including keynote speaker, Julie Meyer, CEO of Ariadne Capital, listed as one of Europe’s Top 30 Most Influential Women by Wall Street Journal.  Other speakers included, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, CEO of 20-first – a renowned consultancy firm which helps build gender ‘bilingual’ organisations. Also, taking to the stage was Dr Phillip Matthews, President of National College of Ireland.  The theme this year was ‘Believe in Change’ and the day included a panel discussion and also facilitated networking with the Aviva Group.

“Although there was stiff competition from very worthy candidates, Jean ticked a number of unique boxes”, says Rosemary Delaney, Managing Director of WMB. “She demonstrated to the judges a great track record in achieving and excelling in her targets, which are in the multimillions. She also showed that science and business can mix by using the knowledge she gained during her scientific education to place her in a unique position of driving growth both at UCC and in a wider context."

Picture:  Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law, WMB Businesswoman of the Year 2010, with her award.





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