IT Work Experience Programme
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IT Work Experience Programme

UCC’s Computer Science Department recently hosted a Work Experience Programme for Transition Year students.

The programme aims to give interested students work experience and the knowledge required to make an informed decision on considering a career in Computer Science. The students gained exposure to various areas, including: System Administration, Hardware, Web page design, Programming skills and 3-D modelling as well as presentations on Careers, Admissions, and Computer Science in general.

The IT Experience programme is one of a range of services that the department has introduced to give post-primary school students greater exposure to Computer Science and Information Technology, and the opportunities on offer.

The Programme took place in the Western Gateway Building, UCC.

Picture:  Group of 25 students who participated in the IT Experience Programme with (centre) Professor James Bowen, Head, Computer Science, UCC and (centre right) Margot Holland, Programme Co-ordinator, Computer Science, UCC. 


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