Overall, 1,603 essays were submitted. UCC students came first in 5 categories (representing 19% of the total number of category winners): Tara Griffin (Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences), Ian Cooke (Ancient and Classical Studies - Old English), Robert Power (Archaeology), Thaddeus Buckley (Celtic Studies and Irish) and Hannah Winfield (Chemistry). 15 additional UCC students reached the short-listing stage in the competition and won commendations for their essays and a list of names can be found here http://www.undergraduateawards.com/awards/shortlist-2010
UCC staff were also involved in administering and judging the competition: Professor Peter Kennedy is a member of the UAINI Board; 3 of the panels were chaired by UCC staff: Professor Paul Callanan (Astronomy and Space Sciences), Professor Grace Neville (Languages and Linguistics), and Dr Colin Rynne (Archaeological Studies). Among the UCC staff who acted as judges were Professor Colin Bradley, Professor Neil Collins, Dr Maeve Conrick, Dr Paul Conway, Professor Edward J Johns, Dr Ciaran McCullagh, Dr Anne Moore, Dr Sile Nic Chormaic, Dr Lilian O’Brien, Dr Tomás Ó Carragáin, Dr Rachel MagShamhrain, Dr Daragh O’Connell, Professor Elizabeth Okasha, Dr Claire O’Reilly, Dr Ciara O’Toole, Dr Pádraigín Riggs, Professor Eileen Savage, and Professor Helen Whelton.
A publication containing the prizewinning essays is available on the Undergraduate Awards of Ireland & Northern Ireland’s website http://www.undergraduateawards.com/journal
The call for 2011 submissions is now open and further details can be found here http://www.undergraduateawards.com/awards/categories-2011
Picture: UCC students Thaddeus Buckley, Hannah Winfield and Robert Power. Missing from the picture are: Tara Griffin and Ian Cooke.