Summer School on Bologna attracts worldwide audience
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Summer School on Bologna attracts worldwide audience

The International Summer School on Implementing Bologna in your Institution has generated significant interest both nationally and internationally with delegates registered from twenty-two countries already for this summer event.

This conference will focus on the Bologna action lines and particularly on those topics that registered delegated have identified as their key areas of interest: quality assurance, quality improvement, implementing learning outcomes, national qualifications frameworks, lifelong learning, meta-frameworks amongst others. University College Cork, Ireland, will play host to this event and it will run from July 5th-9th 2010.

Ireland has been very successful in implementing the Bologna action lines, evidenced by the country’s position at the top of the Bologna Scorecard in 2007, and its second place in 2009. The International Summer School will feature an experienced range of presenters who were key actors in the implementation of Bologna in Ireland. These include Dr Declan Kennedy (author of international bestseller Writing and Using Learning Outcomes), Dr Norma Ryan (Irish Bologna expert), Professor Áine Hyland (member of EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Team) and Dr Jim Murray (CEO of National Qualifications Authority of Ireland).

The International Summer School is targeted at all higher education professionals interested in acquiring the strategies and tools to facilitate the delivery of higher education in a modern, global environment. In particular it is aimed at policy makers, senior managers, lecturers and educational developers in Bologna countries and countries aligning with Bologna as well as higher education professionals worldwide. Please note that it is hoped to provide accreditation in terms of ECTS credits for those who complete this course.

For further information on the conference programme and to register to attend please go to


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