“Musgrave Room” opens for UCC PLUS+ Programme students
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“Musgrave Room” opens for UCC PLUS+ Programme students

Members of the Musgrave Family recently opened the newly developed resource room for UCC PLUS+ students at UCC.
The space known as the “Musgrave Room” is located in the new UCC PLUS+ Programme’s offices at Brighton Villas, Western Road, Cork. Support from the Musgrave Family enabled the creation of this space, which provides computing, printing and study facilities. The “Musgrave Room” will also serve as a social space for UCC PLUS+ students to meet with staff, access information and host tutoring sessions and career/study workshops. In addition, the resource room will act as a welcoming space to prospective students when attending school programme activities on campus, and for their parents when meeting with staff.

The UCC PLUS+ Programme at UCC provides support for students who have the ability to benefit from and succeed in higher education but who, for a variety of social and economic reasons are under represented at third level. UCC PLUS + strives to target under represented students and support them to progress to and succeed in third level education.  The programme involves three core strands; a schools outreach programme with schools in Cork, Kerry and Waterford, a special route of entry via the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) scheme and post entry supports for students once they enter UCC.  To date, over 450 students supported by the Programme have successfully graduated from UCC.

Ms Olive Byrne, UCC PLUS+ Programme Manager at UCC said: “UCC was delighted to continue its already close association with Musgraves and the support for the creation of the resource room has enabled the Programme to provide much needed additional services to UCC PLUS+ students. The support now provided has moved the Programme to the next level and will benefit many future generations of students.”

Picture L-R: Cal Healy, UCC, Rosaleen MacKeown, Musgrave Group, Keith MacKeown, Musgrave Group, Olive Byrne UCC, Nick Musgrave Musgrave Group, Karen Kelly UCC.

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