However, the likely application of these rules is becoming ever more difficult to predict, due to the range of sources of environmental rules - national, European and international, due to the extensive discretion conferred upon public bodies charged with their enforcement, due to the complexity of the procedures required for their practical implementation, or due to uncertainty over the true meaning of key concepts and objectives of environmental protection.
For some years now, the Faculty of Law, UCC has hosted a group of academic researchers focusing on a range of these questions with a view to informing the practical application and future development of Irish environmental law. This body of research has been supported by an array of Irish and international funding agencies and academic staff have sought to disseminate the results of their research work through a number of books, leading Irish and international journals, and a variety of academic and professional conferences and events. The Law and the Environment conference, hosted annually by the Law Faculty, is the most important and high-profile such event and has become the pre-eminent gathering in the Irish environmental law calendar.
This year’s conference will be our eighth annual event and seeks to build on the success of previous events, at which more than two hundred environmental professionals have attended to hear from a panel of expert speakers in the area. This event caters to a wide range of professionals, including the legal professions, policy-makers, regulators, environmental interest groups, local authorities, environmental consultants, industry, and environmental service providers It provides an opportunity for the dissemination of information on the latest legislative and judicial developments, research results and evolving best practice in the area of environmental law. It also provides a truly unique forum for the exchange of ideas among key figures and stakeholders on all sides of the environmental protection debate. The line-up of speakers has been expanded once again this year to facilitate a number of specialist sessions covering such areas as Climate Change, Waste Management, Finance, Markets and the Environment, and Environmental Enforcement and Compliance where in-depth analysis and discussion can take place. There are also two sessions dedicated to discussion of Contemporary Issues in Environmenta l Law