The visit is part of the Education Ireland (see note below) strategy to draw new waves of US students to Ireland for undergraduate and graduate studies and to broaden the network of research partnerships between higher learning institutions in both countries.
Enterprise Ireland’s Manager of International Education Services Terry McParland said: “Ireland’s third level institutions, with the support of the Irish Government are investing heavily in research in strategically important areas such as science, engineering, biotechnology and medical disciplines. It is hoped that increasing the collaboration between higher level institutions in Ireland and the US will foster new and greater synergies that will yield inventive research and breakthroughs.”
“The initiative also aims to increase the flow of US students to pursue studies in Ireland’s higher education institutes. International education is already a high growth sector in Ireland as global demand for quality, overseas tertiary education continues to grow despite the economic downturn. This initiative aims to highlight the quality of third level education in Ireland and attract more American students to study in Ireland.”
Caroline Crowley, Coordinator for International Student Recruitment at UCC added: “UCC already boasts many strong links with US universities. It currently hosts over 700 American students on campus, making them the largest group of international students. Growing the number of US students will have a positive effect on the regional economies of Irish universities. For instance, US students attending UCC add as much as €7m to Cork and the wider region each year. This does not take into account what is spent by those who come to visit US students and take the opportunity to explore Ireland. Another important benefit is that, when they return home, US students also act as ambassadors for Ireland and UCC as they move onwards in successful careers.”
This initiative is being coordinated by Education Ireland. Education Ireland is dedicated to the development and promotion of Ireland as an international education centre of excellence. The Education Ireland brand is managed by Enterprise Ireland. For more see
The seven universities participating in this pilot visit include University College Cork, Dublin City University, National University of Ireland Galway, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Trinity College Dublin, University College, Dublin and the University of Limerick.
The campaign will begin with two Irish education showcase events: one in Washington, hosted by Ireland’s Ambassador to the United States (US), HE Michael Collins, and the second in New York hosted by Consul General, HE Niall Burgess.