Raise & Give Week
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Raise & Give Week

The UCC Students' Union Raise & Give Week takes place from Monday, 8th to Friday, 12th February 2010. Following consultation with the Students' Union the new format for the week replaces the traditional RAG Week.

Raise & Give Week is essentially about students raising money for charities through various fundraising events.  Given the awful human tragedy following the earthquake in Haiti the Students Union has included the Haiti appeal fund in the list of charities supported this year.  The other charities supported are:

In previous years students have been very successful in raising substantial funds for charity and sums of up to €30,000 have been raised.  The Vice-President for the Student Experience, Mr Con O’Brien, commented that "this sense of community spirit among students and concern for those in need of support is commendable."  He added: "it not only demonstrates students' acute awareness of social issues at home and abroad but their readiness to do something practical to help those in need.  The Vice-President commended the Students' Union for taking steps to ensure everybody enjoys Raise & Give Week.  Raise & Give Week is an important part of the student calendar and should be enjoyed by all students in the proper spirit and the university wishes for this to happen.


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