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2010 Press Releases

Ethical Choices

Technological interventions in the dying process complicate notions of a ‘natural death’ and give rise to persistent ethical questions regarding the choices made possible by such interventions.

In the next lecture of the 2010 College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Public Lecture Series at UCC, Dr Sharon Murphy will explore ethical issues relevant to end of life choices in contemporary healthcare settings by examining different approaches to extending life, ‘letting die’, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide, and considers what may be gained by reflecting on the ethical debates arising from these issues. 

The lecture titled: “Ethics, Technological Intervention and End-of-Life Choices” will be delivered on Wednesday, February 17th at 8pm in Boole IV Lecture Theatre.

Sharon Murphy has a PhD in Philosophy from York University, Toronto.  She teaches philosophy and ethics on a range of programmes in UCC, including the MA in Women’s Studies, the BSc in Microbiology, and the Adult and Continuing Education diploma courses in Disability Studies, Social Studies, and Environmental Science and Social Policy.  Her current research interests include bioethics, philosophy of disability and feminist philosophy.

Organised by Professor William Reville, Public Awareness of Science Officer, UCC, the highly popular lecture series, continues weekly until March 10th 2010.

Admission to the lecture is free, and as always, members of the public are invited to attend. See

Picture: Dr Sharon Murphy




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