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Mr John Barrett

Mr John Barrett

Mr John Barrett Dip. Biotech MSc (MMT)

Position: Senior Technical Officer
T: 353 (0)21 490 2474
F: 353 (0)21 427 0249





Certificate in Applied Biology, Waterford IT

Diploma in Biotechnology, Waterford IT

Certificate in Applied Multimedia, University College Cork. 

MSc Multimedia Technology, University College Cork.



My main responsibilities concern the maintenance of all the computer and IT facilities associated with Process & Chemical Engineering. This includes computer hardware and software selection and purchase, network and student computer account management as well as provision of support and maintenance in administrative and research applications especially in data acquisition and data analysis.

I have also been responsible for the production of various Multimedia devices for use in publicity and teaching both within the school and  in collaboration with other departments within UCC; These include this and other Websites associated with the school, posters, promotional leaflets and short video presentations.

  • Member of School of Engineering External Relations and Media committee.
  • Chairman of School of Engineering Laboratories committee.

 I teach basic computer skills to our first year students and I have also given tutorials in PE2004 (Technical Communication Skills). I am also involved in the running of laboratory practicals including demonstration  and supervision of labs the production of laboratory manuals.


Research Interests:

My MSc project involved the development of an online Heat Exchanger Experiment for use in teaching. This project was sponsored by ComLab2 (An EU funded programme to develop IT tools for teaching) and the resulting application can be accessed at

I have always had an interest in programming and development and over my years in UCC  I have also developed many applications for use both in teaching and research.  I have developed an extensive knowledge of many application and programming tools and have wide experience in programming in Java, C, Fortran, JavaScript, Actionscript and Visual Basic.

I have extensive experience in the use of instrumentation including calibration and computer interfacing for data acquisition. I have research experience in the areas of powder flow properties, thermal conductivity measurement and refrigeration monitoring.

Mr John Barrett

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
