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About the Course

Welcome from Dr Mutahira Lone, Director of the MSc Human Anatomy

I would like to welcome you and I am delighted that you are interested in our MSc Human Anatomy degree. 

The Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience MSc degree in Human Anatomy is a 12 month full-time taught programme which is designed to reinforce and advance the anatomical knowledge and dissection skills of the participants. This is the first taught MSc in Human Anatomy in Ireland.

With a large, cadaver-based dissection component, this programme provides participants with a unique and exceptional opportunity to develop their dissection and anatomical knowledge based in a state-of-the-art human anatomy research facility. CKX52 MSc in Human Anatomy online applications are now being accepted from suitable candidates at

The MSc degree in Human Anatomy will be of interest to graduates of medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, science, engineering and other fields, interested in combining a postgraduate qualification in human anatomy with their skills base.  The course has a large dissection component which will provide participants with an exceptional opportunity to develop their dissection and anatomical knowledge in the FLAME laboratory, the department's newly constructed state of the art human anatomy research laboratory.

Modules to suit specialised career paths:

In addition to the theoretical knowledge and dissection skills obtained in the core modules, the programme offers participants several modules to suit specialised career paths. In the ‘Anatomy Pedagogy’ module students will be taught to develop and deliver innovative anatomical pedagogical methods which include the use of new technologies.

Participants will have opportunities to develop radiological skills and experience in the ‘Radiology Imaging Module’. Access to practical experience in a range of radiological modalities e.g. CT, MRI, ultrasound and PET will be of special interest.

Career opportunities:

The MSc in Human Anatomy will enhance the application profile of graduates furthering their career paths. Graduates will be equipped with skills that enable them to excel in careers in anatomical sciences including teaching and technical positions. Applications by medical graduates seeking positions on clinical schemes will be enhanced by the advanced skills and knowledge gained on this course.

View MSc Human Anatomy short video here

Download Course prospectus hereMSc Human Anatomy flyer 2022

Further additional information can also be found at:

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
