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Microscopy Links



Brightfield Microscopy useful links

Below are some useful links on theory and applications in Microscopy

OLYMPUS Microscopy Resource Center
.   Kohler Illumination

OLYMPUS Microscopy Resource Center 

Specialised Microscopy Techniques

OLYMPUS Microscopy Resource Center

Introduction to Optical Microscopy, Digital Imaging, and Photomicrography

ZEISS Education 

Microscopy and Digital Imaging

Nikon Microscopy 

Source for Microscopy Education

Royal Microscopical Society .  International microscopical society

Fluorescence and Confocal Microscopy useful links

Below are some useful links on theory and applications in Microscopy

OLYMPUS Microscopy Resource Center. -  Fluorescence Microscopy
OLYMPUS FluoView Resource Centre.  -  Theory Of Confocal Microscopy
School of Pharmacy Arizona.  -  Contains lots of interesting and useful links on Confocal Microscopy


Tissue processing and paraffin embedding of specimens

Paraffin embedding of specimens

It depends really on the size of the cartridge you want to use, small samples will fit a roughly measured 5mm dept, 27mm wide, 40mm long cartridge.  Larger cartridges have a 10mm depth, with the other dimensions remaining the same.  Usually 10-15 large cartridges can fit into a basket.

For paraffin embedding samples should be collected and stored in 4% Paraformaldhyde short term.  For long term storage in 70% ethanol is recommended. 

Parrafin embedding processing in the BSI, EM prep lab G.16

1.       Dehydration and permeation in molten wax in the Histokinett

(All automated, usually processed 10-15 samples on an overnight cycle 21hrs duration)

2.       Wax blocking of samples on Tissue tec

(Manual, processing is not difficult, need 2hrs max to process 10-15 samples)

3.       Sectioning of samples on rotary microtome

(Manual, processing can be difficult especially in warmer weather, need a few days to section 10-15 blocks, depending on your method of sectioning)


Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
