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Anatomy undergraduate medical teaching entails a radically reduced factual knowledge base, with a greatly increased emphasis on clinical entities, as part of the new vertically and horizontally integrated curriculum.

It plays a central role in:

  • understanding and rationally analysing symptoms and signs the clinical examination 
  • understanding a wide range of clinical entities.

These are being achieved by developing the continuum of anatomical study, surface anatomy and the physical examination to bridge the gap between basic science and clinical medicine. 

Combined with this is:

  • extensive use of computerised teaching programmes
  • extensive use of prosected and plastinated material
  • major emphasis on medical imaging techniques through interaction with Radiology, etc.
  • the development of linkages with clinical neuroscience.

A good anatomical education thus contributes to high quality patient care by providing the essential foundation for functional studies in other basic sciences an excellent competence in physical examination derived from anatomical knowledge understanding and analysis of symptoms and signs and clinical conditions ranging from pain to disorders of movement.


Anatomy Modules for Medical Students 

Undergraduate Medical students

The Anatomy Department presents the following modules to:

 First year undergraduate medical students

  • FM1001 Foundations of Medicine 1 - Introductory Human Biology (15 credits)

Second year undergraduate anatomy modules

  • AN2062 Human Embryology and Developmental Anatomy (5 credits) 
  • FM2001 Foundations of Medicine: Neuroscience (15 credits)
  • FM2002 Foundations of Medicine: Bone Metabolism, Renal Mechanisms of Homeostasis and Associated Anatomy (5 credits)
  • FM2005 Foundations in Medicine for Dental Graduates


Graduate Entry Medical  Programme.

The Anatomy Department is involved in teaching the following modules:

First year Graduate entry

  • GM1001 Fundamentals of Medicine I
  • GM1002 Fundamentals of Medicine II
  • GM1003 Fundamentals of Medicine III

Second year Graduate entry

  • GM2001 Fundamentals of Medicine IV


Further Information 

See UCC Information for undergraduate students webpage : Degree courses in College of Medicine and Health

For further information about this course please view the College Calender and Book of Modules.

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
