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Scholarship of Engineering Education

(Chemical) Engineering Education

 Process & Chemical Engineering staff have an active research role in the area of (chemical) engineering education. This has been underpinned by active participation of staff in the scholarship of teaching and learning. For example, a large majority of teaching active staff have successfully undertaken UCC’s MA or Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education at UCC. Staff have also been the recipients of a number of university and international excellence in teaching awards.

Staff have published in a range of applicable peer reviewed journals such as the European Journal of Engineering Education and the IChemE’s Education for Chemical Engineers.

In 2010, staff from Process & Chemical Engineering were behind UCC’s hosting of the 3rd  International Symposium for Engineering Education which attracted 135 delegates from across five continents and resulted in a 725 page volume of Proceedings (ISSN: 2009 3225) including 79 full academic peer reviewed papers (reviewed by a specially assembled International Advisory Panel comprising 62 members).

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
