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Credits Awarded and Progression Routes

Credits Awarded and Progression Routes

Credits Awarded and Progression Routes

A number of places will be reserved on the level 8 BE Honours Degree in Process & Chemical Engineering (CK600PCE) for candidates who have successfully completed the Diploma. A Diploma graduate who is accepted into the BE Honours Degree programme will be awarded 60 ECTS credits towards the BE in Process & Chemical Engineering at UCC and permitted to transfer directly into the second year of the full-time BE Honours Degree programme in Process & Chemical Engineering, provided (s)he satisfies the following requirements:

1. (S)he has been awarded the Diploma with First Class Honours.


2. (S)he satisfies the mathematical competences required for entry to the BE honours degree (normally taken as having achieved a Grade C3 or better in Leaving Certificate Higher Mathematics or equivalent, i.e. a candidate must be capable of showing a demonstrable knowledge and aptitude for Mathematics, to a level that will enable successful  completion of the BE Honours Degree).

These proposals are in line with UCC and HEA policy concerning Continuing and Adult Education and progression into mainstream degree courses in UCC and the course has been designed with this policy in mind.

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
