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Information for Lecturers/ALOs/CPCs

Information for Lecturers/ALO's

In this section lecturers/ALO's can access information about students.  For information in relation to which students have been placed on your link area, click on the 'link lecturer' link and log in. To search for individual student details e.g. student addresses, phone numbers or placement plan/history, click on the 'student search' link and log in.

Please note that access to student details is based on the individual lecturers role i.e. Programme Lead, Personal Tutor etc.

Link Lecturers (Arc)

  • Link Lecturers (Arc)

    Please login in to the link above using your email address and your usual password.  Follow the instructions in the document below on how to access what student/s are in your link areas.

    Students on host report

Student Search (Arc)

Printing Services

PEP (Placement Environment Profile)

Using search filter in Arc

Audit Documentation - Undergraduate Nursing & Midwifery

NMBI's National Quality Clinical Learning Environment Audit Tool 


Guidance and Support for students with dyslexia

Dyslexia is a condition that affects students in a variety of ways and to varying degrees. As a student in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, if you have such a condition, you are encouraged to register with the Disability Support Office.  In addition, we would encourage you to disclose your particular needs to both your academic and clinical mentors/preceptors and to discuss any reasonable accommodations that can be made to facilitate your learning.

Please see documents below, for information.  There are also useful links and publications on the DSS website whichwill provide some practical tips on supporting the learner in the clinical practice setting.

Buddy Support System

Buddy Support System

Internal Operating Procedure for Student Matters that may Impact on Clinical Placement

Internal Operating Procedure

Communications for Escalation of Clinical Placement Matters Within the School

Communication for Escalation of Clinical Matters

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

Brookfield Health Sciences Complex College Road Cork, Ireland , T12 AK54
