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Erasmus+ in the School of Nursing and Midwifery
Erasmus+ - Information for Outgoing UCC Students
Erasmus+ in the School of Nursing & Midwifery
Over many years of engagement and participation with the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme the School of Nursing and Midwifery in UCC has established strong and trusting partnerships with a number of Higher Education Institutions across the EU and their respective Health Service Partners. The Erasmus+ traineeship programme enables Nursing and Midwifery students undertake an 8 week clinical placement in their chosen destination, with an additional week incorporated to allow for travel and settling into the host country. UCC’s General Nursing, Intellectual Disability Nursing, Midwifery and Mental Health Nursing students can elect to study abroad in the third year of their undergraduate programme (Sept. – Nov.). Integrated Nursing students can similarly avail of the Erasmus traineeship, however the travel period of this cohort is in Year four of their undergraduate programme (Feb-April).
In Jan/Feb each year the Erasmus coordinator will meet with all 2nd year Nursing and midwifery students and 3rd year Integrated students to outline the range of Erasmus+ opportunities and to invite applications.
Current Erasmus Partners and Placement Allocation
- Faculty of Nursing in the University of Tarragona, Spain (General Nursing and/or Mental Health Nursing).
- University of Applied Sciences in Savonia, Finland (Midwifery, General Nursing and Mental Health Nursing).
- Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare, University of Borås, Sweden (General Nursing and Integrated Children Nursing).
- University of Applied Sciences, (NHL Stenden), The Netherlands (Mental Health Nursing).
- Hanze University, Groningen, Netherlands. (Intellectual Disability)
- University of Malta (UM). (Mental Health Nursing)
- Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) Malta (General Nursing)
Selection Criteria
- All students will be notified of the closing date for applications
- Applicants must have Having passed the preceding end of year examinations and successfully completed the Clinical Assessment Document at the first attempt (unless there are specific circumstances)
- Applicants cannot have an open SLP at the time of application
- Applicants must have no more than one week of uncertified or any unaccounted absence from practice placements
- Applicants must hold a satisfactory overall record of college attendance (>80%)
- Applicants must submit a motivational letter/email which will be adjudicated by a selection panel (this panel will consist of the Dr. S. Kelleher (Erasmus Coordinator) and Mr. S. McCloskey/Helen Mc Sweeney (Allocations Officer/Asst Allocations Officer)
- Applicants must be willing to undergo health and Garda clearance check for host university
- Applicants must submit a self-declaration stating that there are no outstanding clinical learning issues that might impact their eligibility to participate in Erasmus+.
- A character reference will be sought from respective Branch leaders
Erasmus placement requests must be achievable within the student’s 4-year clinical allocation plan. If there are more student applications than places, and more students meeting the criteria than available places, then in order to maintain equity – a random draw will take place for the available places
- If placements cannot be matched to meet NMBI requirements (due to short term restrictions by the host university) then the process might have to be stopped and alternatives sought with our own health service provider partners
- If a student is not able to complete specific CAD requirements during the Erasmus placement, an extra placement may be required in the following summer (between 3rd and 4th year)
- If a student does not pursue their initial application after having secured an Erasmus placement on their behalf, and if enough notice is not given in relation to that, then placements in Cork can no longer be guaranteed. Placements may then have to be undertaken in the following summer (between 3rd and 4th year)
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Outgoing UCC Students