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Incoming Erasmus Students
The Erasmus+ programme is a European Union funding exchange programme. Students from a European partner university are eligible to study at UCC for a semester or an academic year.UCC does not require students to provide English language certificates. Please see below for more information!We have over 3,300 international students studying at the University during a typical academic year. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures and do much to enhance and enrich life at the University. Many of you will be some distance from home and we will do our best to ensure that your stay with us will be academically rewarding and socially enjoyable.We hope you will find the information in this website informative and helpful. We are confident that your stay with us will be a fruitful one and that you will leave Ireland with fond memories of your time spent in University College Cork.Ask UCC- https://www.ucc.ie/en/ask/
Clare Murphy
Erasmus Coordinator
Important Notice
You are about to go to UCC's online application system.
You can choose up to 2 courses as part of your application.
The application fee is €45.
How Do I Apply?
Step 1: Nomination Procedure for Sending Universities
Partners can download University College Cork Factsheet (Erasmus) here
Partner universities are requested to email their student nominations to Jim McEvoy, Incoming Erasmus Student Coordinator. Email: jim.mcevoy@ucc.ie
Information required
Student Name, Email Address, Area of Studies (as listed in the inter-institutional agreement) and Period of Studies
Nomination Deadline 2024/2025 academic year:
Autumn Semester/Full Academic Year: 17th May 2024
Spring Semester: 13th September 2024
Step 2: Student Application Process
Information regarding the application process will be emailed to students when the nomination confirmation has been received from the home university.
The application portal for the 2024/2025 academic year will open in March.
Students are required to complete UCC's online application form.
Students are also required to upload the following documents to their online application form:
Application Deadlines
Autumn Semester/Full Academic Year: 14th June 2024
Spring Semester: 11th October 2024
We will send you the housing application form with your letter of acceptance.
The UCC Accommodation & Community Life office runs a centralised placement service for incoming international & Erasmus students.
Entry Requirements
Erasmus Agreement in Study Area
Your university must have an Erasmus agreement in your specific subject area in order to study at UCC under the Erasmus programme.
If you are unsure if your university has an Erasmus agreement with UCC, then please speak with the institutional/academic coordinator at your home university.
- Lectures are usually conducted through the medium of English.
- A good knowledge of English is therefore essential in order to be able to understand lectures and to be able to work with English language text books.
- Click here for information on our English language classes:ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ERASMUS STUDENT
English language courses available during the semester for Erasmus/Visiting students:
Subject to availability
Learning Agreement
Erasmus students will be required to complete a Learning Agreement for their home university. Students should seek advice from their academic coordinator at their home university regarding the academic requirements of their Erasmus period abroad.
UCC is using the Online Learning Agreement Platform. UCC's contact details are as follows:
Contact Person |
Responsible Person |
Clare Murphy Erasmus Coordinator Tel: +353 21 4904726 Email: claremurphy@ucc.ie |
Jim McEvoy Incoming Erasmus Student Coordinator Tel: +353 21 4904747 Email: jim.mcevoy@ucc.ie |
For the paper version, please click on the following links to download the relevant sections of the Learning Agreement:
Students are required to attend orientation which takes place prior to the start of their semester
- Autumn Orientation for Erasmus students: Wednesday 4th, Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September 2024
- Spring Orientation for Erasmus students: Thursday 9th and Friday 10th January 2025
Click on the link below for 2024/2025 dates
Orientation and semester dates 2024-2025 Erasmus
Click on the link below for 2023/2024 dates
Orientation and Semester Dates for 2023-2024 Erasmus Students
2022/2023 dates
Orientation and Semester Dates for 2022-2023
What Can I Study?
Students can study modules from our Book of Modules for Visiting Students
Click on the following link to view the Book of Modules for Visiting Students
- Please note that modules may be altered, cancelled, replaced, augmented or otherwise amended at any time during the semester.
Please note the correct semester when choosing your modules.
- Semester 1- Autumn Semester- September to December
- Semester 2- Spring Semester- January to May
- Year Long- Full Academic Year- September- May (Semester only students cannot take Year Long modules)
Certificates and Diplomas Available to Visiting Students
Information on each of these programmes is available by clicking on the relevant link in the menu below:
Certificates: Certificate in Irish Studies
Click on the link below for information
Online enrolment and module registration
Click on the links below for more information:
Students who study at University College Cork under the Erasmus+ Programme are not required to pay tuition/registration fees to University College Cork.
ERASMUS funding is provided by the home institution. For information on the level of grants payable, please contact the International Office at your home institution
Cost of Living
Students will need to budget for accommodation, food, books, transportation, utilities and other personal expenses, and these can be viewed at our cost of living document:
Estimated Cost of Living in Cork
The UCC Accommodation & Community Life office runs a centralised placement service for incoming international & Erasmus students.
We will send you the housing application form with your letter of acceptance.
It is not possible to apply for this service until you have accepted an offer to study at UCC.
Accommodation Costs
The provisional cost of accommodation is €1000-€1100 per month.
For more details, please click here: https://www.ucc.ie/en/accommodation/accomadvice/internationals/
Plan for Ireland
Fortunately, we have our own Accommodation Placement Service in operation for our Visiting and Erasmus students, and we will send the information on how to apply for this accommodation once you have completed your online applications. This placement service will be housing students in student complexes near the campus and the city centre. We would strongly advise you to apply for this accommodation as soon as you receive the information from the placement service.
Student Info Hub
Moving to a new university, new city, and new country is exciting, but not without challenges. Our is designed to give you as much assistance as possible before you arrive in Ireland, after you arrive at UCC and when living in Cork. Some important steps include:
Visas and Immigration
For information on visa and immigration please click on the following link: https://www.ucc.ie/en/international/studentinfohub/
Orientation and Registration
For information on orientation and registration, you will receive this information via email after acceptance
Contact Us
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the International Office.
Jim McEvoy, Erasmus Coordinator
International Office,
University College Cork,
Western Road,
Cork T12 R229
In the case of an emergency please contact Campus Security at the following number
From outside Ireland: +353 21 4902266
From a mobile or cell phone within Ireland: 021 4902266