It is very important that students consider the cost of studying abroad before applying.
Students must pay their normal UCC fees when studying abroad
Outside of Europe:
If you submitted an application to the International Office:
- Your application will be reviewed
- We will email students in mid-Februrary about the outcome of their application
- Students will hear from us at different stages due to the high volume of applications
- If successful, we will liaise with all students after about information sessions
Does my UCC department have a partner university in Europe?
Please click on the following links to download PDF list of partner universities:
Are all students placed?
- Studying abroad with UCC is not guaranteed and is subject to availability and academic achievements.
- You must be registered for a four degree at UCC and you are only permitted to study abroad during your 3rd year.
Do I get a grant to study in Europe?
All students participating in the Erasmus+ programme are entitled to apply for an Erasmus grant. The Erasmus grant is intended as a contribution to the overall cost of the year abroad, to cover the cost of living differential associated with living abroad. The grant will be calculated based on the total number of days at the host university rather than total number of months. During the academic year students will be required to submit certificates to UCC confirming date of arrival and date of departure. Students will be eligible to receive a travel grant also.
Click here for more information: Erasmus Grant Information
Click here do download the Erasmus Information Guide: Studying in the EU- Essential Information (ERASMUS)
What are my responsibilites as a student to succesfully complete my Erasmus?
Students must submit the following documents- please note, this information will be sent to your UCC email address
- Contact Details Form
- Certificate of Arrival Form
- Learning Agreement (Your modules need to be approved by your UCC Academic Coordinator and your host university)
- Certificate of Attendance Form
- Acknowledgement of Erasmus Student Mobility Grant Form
- Final Report
- Erasmus Online Language Assessment
- Request your transcript of records from the host university after examinations
Where can I get an idea of what modules I need to take while abroad?
Please check here for what modules would be taking place for your course in 3rd year
If your course has a mandatory year abroad, your academic advisor will discuss with you what you are required to take.
If I need mental or physical health assistance while abroad, who do I contact?
Firstly, contact the host university. They will provide you with relevant information and resources available on campus. They will also provide this information at orientation so it is important to attend that at the start of the semester. If you feel the need to reach out to UCC, please do. We are here to help.
Before going abroad, we recommend bookmarking this great UCC resource
Do I need to meet certain academic requirements to study outside the EU?
- Non-European Universities require a minimum of a 2.1 (overall grade of 60%) in 1st year and in 1st semester of 2nd year.
Do I need a visa to study outside the EU?
- Yes, you will need a visa or study permit. Your host university will provide information and paperwork to assist you with this.
- As part of your application to the host university, you will be required to show proof of finances. This can range from 10,000-30,000Dollars (USA) and 20,000CAD (Canada). SUBJECT TO CHANGE
- Your host university along with the UCC International Office will assist you with your visa/study permit. We will run an information session in April.
Are all students placed?
- You must be registered for a four degree at UCC and you are only permitted to study abroad during your 3rd year.
- Studying abroad with UCC is not guaranteed and is subject to availability and academic achievements.
Can I apply for the Erasmus grant?
- No, the Erasmus grant is onlyopen to students studying in the European Union
- The International Office does not provide funding. Please check with your college/department directly.
Do I need health insurane?
- Yes, as per immigration and UCC policy, you need to have health/travel insurance.
- Your host university may require you to take out their own insurance. Many of the US and Canadian Universities will have mandatory health insurance and will not waive your Irish health insurance policy.
How much does it cost to study abroad outside the EU?
- You will pay your normal UCC fees (do not pay tuition fees to the host university), however, you are expected to cover all other costs such as student ID card, orientation, visa, flights, health insurance, accommodation, books etc.
- Click here to view each university's estimated costs: Estimated cost of living outside the EU Guide
How do I know if a university is suitable for my UCC studies?
The university you choose must offer suitable modules for your UCC degree. Students must contact their UCC Academic Coordinator and discuss if their preferred university offers suitable modules. Your UCC Academic Coordinator needs to approve of your host university.
Where can I get an idea of what modules I need to take while abroad?
- Please check here for what modules would be taking place for your course in 3rd year
- If your course has a mandatory year abroad, your academic advisor will discuss with you what you are required to take.
Can I go for a semester instead of a full year?
- Yes, students are permitted to study abroad for one semester (September-December Semester)
- There may be an opportunity to study abroad for semester 2, but this is subject to approval by your UCC Academic Coordinator.
- Not all UCC degrees are permitted to study abroad in semester 2 due to work placement etc.
- If your UCC degree has a mandatory study abroad year, then you must go abroad for the full year.
I am going on a J1 to the US for the summer, do I have to come back to Ireland before flying back out?
- Please consult with your J1 summer provider (USIT etc). We do not provide assistance with the J1 summer visa.
- We only provide information on the J1 study visa.
If I need mental or physical health assistance while abroad, who do I contact?
Firstly, contact the host university. They will provide you with relevant information and resources available on campus. They will also provide this information at orientation so it is important to attend that at the start of the semester. If you feel the need to reach out to UCC, please do. We are here to help.
Before going abroad, we recommend bookmarking this great UCC resource
International Office, UCC
Erasmus/European partner universities:
Clare Murphy
non-European partner universities:
Mary-BrÍd Murphy
International Office Opening Hours |
Monday to Friday
- 09.00 - 13.00
- 14.00 - 17.00
The Erasmus+ programme enables students to spend a placement/traineeship period
abroad as part of a degree course. Student 'placement' is an alternative term to the widely
used term 'traineeship' or 'internship'.
Erasmus Staff Training Visits: Staff Training visits enable academic, professional and all other staff to spend a period of up to one week training at a university or an enterprise in another EU participating country. The objective of a staff training visit is to allow staff to acquire knowledge or specific know-how from experiences and good practices abroad as well as practical skills relevant for their day-to-day work and their professional development (conferences are not covered).
Erasmus Teaching Staff Visits: Teaching Staff visits enable academic staff to complete a short teaching period with an EU institution. The host institution must be a holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education . There is an obligation to deliver at least 8 hours of teaching during the visit.
Click here for more: