Maria Canavan
"I chose to study digital humanities at UCC in search of new tools and methods for art research and image analysis to apply to my everyday work. As the GLAM sector is developing more ambitious digital policies and strategies, staff in national cultural institutions will need to drive and shape the digital transformation. The strong theoretical grounding of the course, in line with the practice of building digital projects, gave me the confidence to engage with new digital innovations in the field."
Maria is a graduate of the Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Humanities.
Read more about Maria's work at the National Gallery of Ireland:
Dr Luke Kirwan
"Studying for a PhD in Digital Humanities provided me with the skills and expertise to be able to efficiently and effectively support researchers through the current digital transformation of academic research. The current trends in academic library support services require a broad range of expertise in the use of digital tools and methodologies to not only be able to support traditional academic research, but also have the necessary skillset to appropriately manage and preserve complex digital outputs. The reliance of contemporary workplaces on increasingly sophisticated digital tools and large-scale datasets necessitates that today’s graduates are comfortable working with cutting edge theoretical and technical computational tools. By providing students with a strong basis in the usage and design of complex digital tools and data analysis, studying digital humanities imparts students with a strong basis in modern computational practice, expanding upon the traditional critical thinking and analysis from studying the humanities."
Cathy O'Flynn
"I’ve always considered myself creative but I also have an interest in technology. Usually, at third-level, you must choose one or the other as they are seen as different disciplines. But the BA in Digital Humanities and Information Technology at UCC offered a chance to blend my interests, giving me the freedom to explore technology’s role in the arts and vice-versa. You aren't subjected to just one career path, there are many roads you can do down: some of my former peers work in pharma, others in data analysis, cybersecurity, talent consultancy, journalism, and that’s naming a few. I would say that, with a degree in the digital humanities, the possibilities are endless. I currently work as a technical writer for a pharmaceutical company in Cork and I would not have my career were it not for my degree and the amazing lecturers behind the programme."
Max Darby
"I started digging into [Digital Humanities] and I'd seen that it was actually a combination of technical subjects, such as computer science, but it also had this side of it that was culture, it was Arts, it was this deeper understanding of the world operating around me."
Max is a graduate of the B.A. in Digital Humanities & Information Technology (CK118).
Hear more about Max's #MadeInUCC story here:
Mirhan Abouelfadl
"During my postgraduate studies in digital arts and humanities at University College Cork, I had the opportunity to study technology, design, art, and humanities are all connected in the age of digital transformation. This multidisciplinary program covers a wide range of subjects, theories, and practices, and it taught me how to deploy information technology in humanities research. Through the supervision and support of the program's expert but friendly professors, I had the opportunity to think, design, implement, and reflect. It was a thought-provoking and mind-opening experience."
"خلال فترة الماجستير في الفنون الرقمية والعلوم الإنسانية في جامعة كورك، أتيحت لي الفرصة للاقتراب أكثر مما كنت أتخيله لمساري المستقبلي في عصر التحول الرقمي: دراسة أشياء جديدة تربط بين التكنولوجيا والتصميم والفن والعلوم الإنسانية، وكذلك ممارسة الابتكار في تصميم منتجات جديدة تخدم الإنسانية. لقد عرّفني هذا الماجستير الفريد متعدد التخصصات على بُعد جديد للابتكار، كما انه علمني كيفية تطويع تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في أبحاث ومشاريع العلوم الإنسانية من الفكرة إلى التنفيذ. لقد غطى البرنامج مجموعة واسعة من الموضوعات وربط النظرية والممارسة بشكل مثالي. كما قدم لي أول فكرة عن الثقافة الرقمية. علاوة على ذلك، ساعدتني البيئة العلمية في تعزيز عملي في التصميم. تحت إشراف ودعم أساتذة خبراء، كما أتيحت لي الفرصة للتفكير والتصميم والتنفيذ والتفكير في مشاريعي، وكذلك استخدام أدوات وأساليب العلوم الإنسانية الرقمية الجديدة.
كانت الميزة الكبرى هي أساتذتي الذين جعلوا الرحلة العلمية الأكاديمية مثمرة. لقد كانوا محترفين للغاية بينما كانوا أيضًا متواضعين وودودين وعاطفين. أدت الخبرة والتنوع في عملهم واهتماماتهم البحثية المختلفة إلى دفع المحاضرات إلى آفاق جديدة. كانت المناقشات مثيرة للتفكير ومفتّحة للعقل. وقد مكنني هذا أيضًا من توسيع معرفتي وصقل مهاراتي، فضلاً عن تصميم أعمال متنوعة وعالية الجودة.
أود أن أعرب عن خالص امتناني وأظهر تقديري الحقيقي للدكتورة أورلا، ودكتور مايك، ودكتور باتريك، ودكتور جيمس، ودكتورة كاثي. وكذلك دكتورة ميرين، أتمنى أن تكون تحسنت الآن."
Mirhan studied digital arts and humanities at UCC through the Digital Egypt Builders Initiative (DEBI), collaboration between Egypt's Ministry of Communications & Information Technology and the Department of Digital Humanities.